Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jake Kerr

In writing terms, pacing means how quickly the reader perceives things as happening in a story. This is different from rhythm, which is more about how the reader perceives something as “sounding” as they read it. Pacing is most often discussed at the narrative level—the pace of a chapter and a novel as a whole.

Pacing, like any other tool in the writer’s toolbox, has no definitive correct or incorrect usage—just the RIGHT usage. It all depends on the author’s intent and the reader experience. The King of Elfland’s Daughter is a very slowly paced novel, but that does not mean it is weaker than a brisk fantasy like The Hunger Games.

While pacing itself is not right or wrong, its execution can be. Parts of a novel (or even the whole thing) can be paced too fast or too slow. Let’s look at some common problems:

“This book starts out too slow.”

This is a common pacing problem and can be due to one or more problems. Probably the most common reason for a slow start is that the narrative tension is introduced too late. This can be countered by the introduction of interesting characters who are engaging in and of themselves, but interesting characters only buy you so much time. Eventually you’ll need to get to the conflict that drives the plot. Take too long and you get pacing complaints.

Solutions here generally involve either introducing the conflict of the novel quicker within the scenes you already have or just starting later in the book. It is not uncommon for chapter three in my first draft to end up as chapter one in the final draft.

As I mentioned, another solution is to just make those earlier chapters more interesting, with vibrant characters and atmosphere. Note that this can actually make the problem worse. Adding lots of description to a slow chapter doesn’t exactly make it move quicker. So be careful.

“This section of the book is sooooo slow.”

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Emerging Author? Distance Yourself from The Pack - Where Writers Win
  2. How to Plan, Write, and Develop a Book: Take a Break from Words: How Image Boards Help Your Writing
  3. Craft of Writing: Dealing with Pacing Problems by Jake Kerr
  4. Facebook for Authors: Getting Started Guide | Jane Friedman
  5. showed me a cigarette lighter. said it was yours. | A couple tips to writing spies/spying into...
  6. The Kill Zone: Getting Started With Scrivener
  7. Ksenia Anske Books/Blog/How often should you blog and indulge in social media?
  8. Review Social Media for Authors Podcast - Social Media Just for Writers
  9. Do You Have an Unreasonable To-Do List? Here’s How to Fix It - The International Freelancer
  10. Reedsy: a Marketplace for Indie Writers - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  11. Divas on Dialogue: How to Write Dynamic Dialogue - Write Divas
  12. 5 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Be a Successful Author
  13. Shape Your Story, Part Two: Summon the Elementary Teacher in Yourself | Writers' Rumpus
  14. How to Develop Your Characters | Swoon Reads
  15. The Writing Café, Any tips for introducing a character?
  16. Build suspense with a ticking clock. - Venture Galleries
  17. 10 Story Decisions Scifi And Fantasy Writers Ended Up Regretting
  18. How to Write Titles that Sell - Venture Galleries
  19. Three things every writer needs to stay in the game - Writers Write
  20. Start At The Beginning, Not Before « Flash Fiction Chronicles
  21. How to Promote Your Business With Instagram | Social Media Examiner
  22. Scrivener Advantages for Authors - Where Writers Win
  23. Premium WordPress Themes for Authors
  24. Why What You Don’t Like about Book Marketing Will Hurt Your Book | Warner CoachingWarner Coaching
  25. The Season of Kindle Unlimited Discontent | Indies Unlimited
  26. Think Like a Publisher (and Release Your Inner Badass)
  27. A Quick Guide to Beta Reader Etiquette - Helping Writers Become Authors
  28. 5 things you don't want on your Book Cover - Author Zoo
  29. The Write One Blog – eBooks vs Print Books - Which makes more sense?
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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