Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Molly Greene 

I mentioned in a previous post that I had the pleasure and good fortune to work with freelance book editor Laurie Rosin on my first novel. I saved every letter because her advice was – and is – timeless. Once I grasped and implemented her suggestions, my writing improved enormously. I still review the dog-eared notes from time to time and always find a gem I can apply to my current work, so I thought I’d share a few with you. These four points comprise Laurie’s essential general guidance:

1) Show readers your story, don’t tell it. 
One of the most common errors made by new writers is relying on narrative to explain what characters feel, think or have endured rather than allowing readers to learn about these experiences through the character’s interactions with their world. When the author tells the story, he/she is inserted between the reader and the action and characters, and impact is lost. Example: Don’t tell us your main character loves her home, show us through dialogue and actions. She may lovingly smooth the silk throw placed just so on an antique white chaise, straighten a picture, or stand in the doorway of the newly renovated great room with a friend, sipping wine and discussing how the dappled light falls through the linen drapes at dusk.

2) Tighten your manuscript at the sentence level by editing out unnecessary words, clichés, and bland or wordy phrases.

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Read the full article HERE

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Author Press Release: Get it Right! - Where Writers Win
  2. Branding 101: What’s Your Story? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  3. Seriously Write: When At First You Don’t Succeed by Heather Woodhaven
  4. How To Tighten Up Your Writing - Giacomo Giammatteo
  5. 5 Ways to Move a Story Forward in Time -
  6. Worksheets for Writers | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  7. How to Write Better: 3 Secrets of Transmitting Naked Emotions
  8. To Kill Or Not To Kill A Character | Book Marketing Tools Blog
  9. Fiction University: Are You Looking for a Critique Group or Partner?
  10. Publish traditionally, solo self-publish or something else? Advice for the 2015 writer | Nail Your Novel
  11. The Oxford Comma Controversy - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  12. Timeless tips that changed my writing for the better | Molly Greene: Writer
  13. Martha Alderson aka Plot Whisperer: 3 Steps to Pre-Plot for NaNoWriMo -- Part One
  14. 29 Tips on How to Succeed With Your Instagram Marketing - Infographic
  15. SEO: The Must-Dos That You Just Can’t Miss: @ProBlogger
  16. 28 Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2015 From the Pros | Social Media Examiner
  17. 12 Most Snappy Ways to Get Instaglam on Instagram
  18. Friday Roundup: Social Media Marketing for Authors - Social Media Just for Writers
  19. Conquer Author Overwhelm - The Savvy Book Marketer
  20. How to Avoid Misery Over Rejection | Jane Friedman
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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