Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Heather Hart

The saying “If you build it, they will come” isn’t true for authors. 

Just because you write a book, doesn’t mean that people will buy it or read it. In this post, I share four things authors need to know (preferably before they ever publish their book).

4 Things You Need To Know

1. Who Your Target Audience Is

If you don’t have any idea who will read your book, that’s a problem. You won’t know who to market it to later on. Writing is a great form of therapy, but if you wrote your book solely for yourself, you probably aren’t ready to publish. If you dream of selling books, you need to picture who would buy them.

Who would benefit from reading your book?

Who would enjoy your book?

Who will you sell it to?

And just so you know, “everyone” is not the right answer — be specific. Narrowing down your target audience doesn’t mean that they are the only ones allowed to buy your books, it just means that they are the ones you are going to specifically market it to the majority of the time.

2. Quality Matters

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Mythcreants » When to Cut That Scene
  2. 5 Ways to Reveal Backstory When Writing A Novel | Writing Is Hard Work
  3. Novel Publicity – Six Steps for Self-Marketing your eBook
  4. Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 32 Facebook Groups for Authors
  5. Writing in multiple points of view
  6. Writing to Draw Readers in Emotionally | Emerging Writers Studio
  7. Filling in Detail and Benefits of Editing - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  8. What do names tell us about characters? - Venture Galleries
  9. Fiction University: Working With Multiple POVs and Timelines
  10. How To Grow Your Fiction Email List Subscribers. My Own Case Study | The Creative Penn
  11. Martha Alderson aka Plot Whisperer: Writers: Enliven Your Imagination and Embrace the Miraculous
  12. Making the Most of Your Setting | Writers and Authors
  13. Podcasting for Business: Why Marketers Are Betting on Podcasts | Social Media Examiner
  14. Decreased Facebook Visibility: What Can You Do? - Heidi Cohen
  15. Two Bad Prefixes  Daily Writing Tips
  16. Out of Blog Post Ideas? Try User Generated Content
  17. Unpublished writers, here's a lesson from Larry the Cable Guy
  18. 10 Writer Goals for 2015 -
  19. Top 10 Facebook Party Tips & Tricks |
  20. We live amid a great sprawl of what passes for literature | The Passive Voice |
  21. Brevity, clarity, precision. | Stavros Halvatzis Ph.D.
  22. Using Your Personality Type to Make You a Better Writer - Marcy Kennedy
  23. So You Want To Start A Blog - A Writer's Journey
  24. 4 Things You Need To Know (before publishing your book) - Training Authors for Success
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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