Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Molly Greene

Late in 2014 I launched my second mystery-thriller-romantic suspense novel, The Last Fairytale. A lot of time passed between book #1 and book #2, and although I sweated the gap that produced no significant fiction writing, in hindsight I’m glad it worked out the way it did. It was quite a ride.

I’ve learned an enormous amount during the past three years. I started this self-publishing journey by joining Twitter early in 2011, then started my blog, then published my debut novel, Mark of the Loon, in June, 2012. I could write volumes about what I learned between book launches, but I’ve honed it down to these six points. Here’s what changed for me:

1. I’m a better writer

I’ve blogged once a week consistently since Spring 2011, with only a couple of misses. Blogging has boosted my confidence about my writing, increased the speed at which I produce coherent thoughts, enhanced my writing skill, and improved the quality of my books. All unexpected results, and for these reasons alone I recommend that most authors maintain a blog. There are many other reasons to blog, of course, but that’s another post: Why Do We Blog?

2. I morphed from a pantser into a semi-plotter

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. A publicist answers questions for writers:  
  2. End of a year, and perhaps the end of a stage of the ebook transition - The Shatzkin Files The Shatzkin Files
  3. Pruning Your Novel - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  4. ISBNs: CreateSpace freebie or own ISBN? Pros and cons | Nail Your Novel
  5. Auld Lang Nine! New Year’s Resolutions For Writers
  6. Reading Like A Writer: Are You Maximizing Your Reading Time? - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  7. Self-Publishing: 6 Valuable Lessons I Learned Between Book #1 & #2 | Molly Greene: Writer
  8. Martha Alderson aka Plot Whisperer: Plot Twists: What Are They and How to Plot Them
  9. Is your Content Boring? 8 Types of Content Every Business Should Consider Publishing
  10. How to Post on Google Plus and Get Results
  11. Facebook is Leading Mobile App Says Research: This Week in Social Media | Social Media Examiner
  12. Friday Roundup: How to Save Time on Social Media - Social Media Just for Writers
  13. 23 Tools and Resources to Create Images for Social Media
  14. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Chinese Censorship & SONY Hacking Threaten All Of Us
  15. How To Get More Twitter Followers: 24 Effective Tips To Grow Your Following Fast
  16. How to Use Your iPhone to Record Video with an External Microphone - Training Authors for Success
  17. 30 Accomplished Writers Reveal Their Secrets to Productivity | Focusalot - Blog
  18. Stadia and Aquaria Daily Writing Tips: The plural of nouns...
  19. How To Write A Killer Query Letter For Self-Help And How-To Books - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  20. Content Shock in the 21st Century: What Writers Need to Know - Where Writers Win
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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