Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Martha Alderson

Successful writers establish long-term writing goals for themselves and long-term story goals for their protagonists and then set out to complete a series of short-term goals they believe will move them and their characters toward those final goals. 

Goal setting is not always as simple as it sounds. In teaching plot and from the plot consulting work with writers all over the world, I have found that self-professed “pansters” balk at setting goals for both their protagonists and themselves. If you are a writer who likes to write by the seat of your pants with little pre-plotting or planning, you likely have no difficulty in seeing the big picture of your story but may find yourself breaking down when it comes to filling in the steps how to get there. However, just because the task proves difficult for you is not to say that you are off the goal-setting hook. 

Plot Your Protagonist’s Goals

Goals provide motivation. Obstacles create tension. Potential loss promises transformation.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Working Authors: Todd Borg There's no one road to success for an indie author. Read Todd's story!
  2. Tracking Trivia by Using a Series Bible - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  3. A Teenager’s View on Social Media — Backchannel — Medium
  4. Editing seminar snapshots: writing for a blog vs writing for a book | Nail Your Novel
  5. When To Follow Up With A Literary Journal About A Submission - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  6. 8 Ways to Make People on Twitter Want to Stab Us IN THE FACE | Kristen Lamb's Blog
  7. Ebook Marketing Strategies for 2015 — What Will Work? | Lindsay Buroker
  8. How To Build A Top-Notch Media Kit | Molly Greene: Writer
  9. Martha Alderson aka Plot Whisperer: Goals for You and for Your Characters
  10. The Ugly Truth About Book Sales | Leona's Blog of Shadows
  11. 11 Tips to Double Your Twitter Followers - Jeffbullas's Blog
  12. Web Sites - Five Rookie Website Mistakes You Can Fix Today : MarketingProfs Article
  13. LinkedIn Reaches One Million Member Posts, Opens Publishing to New Markets | Official LinkedIn Blog
  14. How to Create a Mood Board for Your Creative Projects - Design Roast
  15. Email Lists: Make them a Priority in 2015 with These Tips : @ProBlogger
  16. Kindle Unlimited Proves Unpopular for Indie Authors
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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