Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Kristen Lamb

We’ve been talking a lot about social media lately and I am always grateful for your comments and thoughts. This kind of feedback not only helps me improve my blog, but my also books, because I get a glimpse of your worries, weaknesses, fears, loves, and strengths.

As a teacher/mentor/expert, it’s my job to address those fears and put you at ease or reinforce when you’re headed the right direction and give you tools and tips to take what you’re doing to another level.

There’ve been some comments that have piqued my attention lately. Namely this notion to give up on social media completely to write more books (out of vexation for the medium and the task).


Social Media is a TOTAL Waste of Time

Write more books instead of tweeting or blogging. Social media is a giant time-suck better spent writing great books.

I don’t know how to answer this besides, Er? *screeching breaks* Personally, I can think of no larger waste of time than researching and reading and spending countless hours crafting a wonderful book of 60,000-110,000 words and then?

No one knows the book exists so few people ever read it, enjoy it or are changed by the author’s story.

It’s like spending six months to a year on an oil painting to hang it in an attic.

These days, any agent worth their salt will not sign an author who doesn’t have a social media brand and presence. Rarely, they will take a book from an author who doesn’tbut usually it will come with the requirement the author get on-line and get to work.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. NOVA ZERO  How to outline plot using 6-stage plot structure
  2. More Than A Thousand Words: The Power of Visual Storytelling
  3. Fiction University: Real Life Diagnostics: Easing Readers Into Your Story
  4. #42: Three Strategies to Rapid List Building - Amy Porterfield
  5. The Secret Strategy to Stand Out and Sizzle | Irresistible Marketing
  6. Twitter Shows Top Tweets You Missed: This Week in Social Media | Social Media Examiner
  7. Content Marketing Tips and Tools for Writers
  8. Three Ways to Grow Your Curated Email Newsletter Faster - Copyblogger
  9. To Paint Is to Love Again: Henry Miller on Art, How Hobbies Enrich Us, and Why Good Friends Are Essential ...
  10. Two Inverted Idioms Daily Writing Tips
  11. 10 Common Fiction Problems and How to Fix Them - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  12. Fiction University: Get a Clue: We All Need a Little Mystery in Our Novels
  13. Tip for aspiring writers: There is no magic shortcut. In the end, you need to do the work. - Inkygirl: @inkyelbows
  14. How to Use Needs and Goals to Appeal to Readers | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  15. The Agony of Early Drafts - Should YOU Keep Writing? (Good Question) | Positive Writer
  16. Which Writers Would You Like to Learn From—Living or Dead?
  17. 5 Easy Tips to Fix a Boring Online Bio | Write to Done
  18. Talents and Skills Thesaurus Entry: Lipreading - WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™
  19. The Creative Penn Blog: Helping you write, publish and market your book | The Creative Penn
  20. Social Media is a Waste of Time for Writers—Hmmm, Think Again | Kristen Lamb's Blog
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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