Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Ingrid Sundberg

Don’t give your reader an excuse to put your book down! Make sure your book looks more appetizing than a cheese sandwich by avoiding these nine pitfalls.

1) Leisurely Descriptive Passages

Ever read a book where the author spends multiple pages describing a house? Or maybe it’s a spaceship, or the way the light plays upon the windows of a city. Snooze fest!

Of course we need settings so the action doesn’t happen in a vacuum, but we no longer live in a time without photographs or television. Back in the day when we’d never seenan elephant before it was great to spend a whole page describing the lumbering and exotic animal. But you don’t have to describe everything in extensive detail anymore.

2) Leisurely Passages of Back Story and Flashback

One of the easiest ways to get your reader to tune out is with an extensive passage of back story. As authors we need to know all the back story, and we spend countless hours creating it. And because we’ve put in so much time creating the back story it’s tempting to want to shareall of it with our readers. But that’s like forcing your reader to look through all 1000 photos from your vacation. They’re going to tune out pretty quickly.  Back stories can help us relate to characters, and many details are necessary, but keep them in shorter passages.

3) Scenes Where the Plot is Not Moving Forward

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How Do You Handle Negativity from Others? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  2. Author Press Release: Get it Right! - Where Writers Win
  3. 3 Simple and Efficient eBook Marketing Tips Every Author Should Know | Self-Publishing Review
  4. Kidlit · Conscious vs. Unconscious Action
  5. Seriously Write: How Hobbits Learn to Market Their Stories by Lori Roeleveld
  6. Writability: How to Write a Great Twitter Pitch
  7. ThrillWriting: Can Your Character Survive Multiple Attackers? Info for Writers w/ Terror Expert Rock Higgins
  8. Alexandra Sokoloff: Rewriting: Something has to happen
  9. Character Development Checklist - 13 Points To Consider - Writers Write
  10. How to be a Better Writer: Talk about Your Projects
  11. The Agony of Early Drafts - Should YOU Keep Writing? (Good Question) | Positive Writer
  12. Mythcreants » Five Secondary Characters Who Deserve Their Own Stories
  13. 15 Ways You Can Beat The Content Marketing Odds - Heidi Cohen
  14. Fiction University: Working With Multiple POVs and Timelines
  15. Authors: Plan Your Marketing with a Content Calendar by Frances Caballo — The Book Designer
  16. Ellis Shuman Writes: The Secret to Being a Productive Writer
  17. 2 enduring, low-cost book marketing tactics | @Belinda_Pollard
  18. 3 Simple Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Blog
  19. Writer Unboxed » The Art of the Comp  There’s an art to coming up with the right comparison to pique interest.
  20. Author, Jody Hedlund: 6 Ways to Make Characters Stand Out in a Crowd
  21. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: The Media’s 9 Favorite Subjects: Pay Attention, Authors
  22. Habits Of A Book Junkie In A Digital World | The Creative Penn
  23. 9 Reasons Your Reader is Bored | Ingrid's Notes
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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