Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Ashley R. Carlson

Publishing your first novel can be quite an odd, surreal, harrowing experience. I should know--I published my first full-length work, "The Charismatics," two and a half weeks ago.

During the last six months, I've felt a lot of things--excitement with my new fantasy world, finding my true passion in life, and beginning the journey to turn said passion into a career--doing something I loved day in and day out and planning to make a living with it.

I imagined changing lives with my writing. Making a lot of money so that I could give it away, starting charities and bringing awareness to current ones, all while I continued to translate the beauty and sadness and feelings from this Earth into stories that readers would relate to, love, remember. Hold onto. Cry from.

As I said, my debut novel, "The Charismatics," released a few weeks ago. Reception has been fantastic so far--I've got a number of four and five star reviews on Amazon, some from readers I don't even know (this is huge; validation that their words and critiques are not because they personally know me).

But how have I felt since the release? In one word?


You heard me. Blah. BLAH.

But why? Well...I think the main reason is something a lot of authors go through when they've published their first novel; you've spent two months or six months (in my case) or one year or five years honing this thing into something readable, sellable, and now it's out there in the world, and NOW all you can do is wait.


Wait for the reviews to come.

Wait for the numbers to get higher.

Wait for your royalties from Amazon to deposit in your account sixty days after a sale.

Wait for that better-known author/reviewer to give your work a chance, possibly to share it with their readership and gain more sales and more clout.

So what do you do now that you've published this book baby and it's ALL in the readers' hands?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft (9th ed.) | Zetta's Desk
  2. Interview from the Author Hangout - Where Writers Win On Marketing EBooks!
  3. What readers say about ebook prices | The Fussy Librarian
  4. How to Create Characters Worth Reading | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  5. The Elements of a Well-Reviewed Audiobook | Audiobook Creation Exchange Blog (ACX)
  6. 10 Common Fiction Problems and How to Fix Them - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  7. Ebooks: A Treasure Trove For Dyslexic Readers | The Creative Penn You Published Your First Book ... Now What? - Ashley R. Carlson Fantasy Author
  8. Free book giveaways – when do they work? When don’t they? | Nail Your Novel
  9. Seven Techniques You Must Know To Make Editors Notice Your Poetry - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  10. Keep your writing resolutions in 2015! - The Writer
  11. Fiction University: Should You Avoid Topical Issues in Your Writing?
  12. #39: 7 Tips to Create a 3-Part Video Series - Amy Porterfield Anske Books/Blog/How often should you blog and indulge in social media?
  13. A Publishing Blog for Writers and Book People » Women mystery writers break out of the shadows
  14. Wanted: How to Find Your Best Editor by Corina Koch MacLeod and Carla Douglas — The Book Designer
  15. Premium WordPress Themes for Authors
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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