Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Rachelle Gardner

When you’re trying to interest an agent or publisher in your book, you’re often asked to provide “comps” — other books that could be compared to yours, or books that might compete with yours. A good book proposal always has a “Competition” or “Comparable Books” section, and even if you’re self-publishing, it helps if you give readers a frame of reference in the form of similar books.

One of the most common questions I’m regularly asked is, “How do I figure out what books to include in my comps?” People get all hung up on it, especially with fiction. Do I look for books with the same premise or plot? Same time period? Same writing style? How do I know what to include?

I’m going to make it easy for you. Keep this line in mind:

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. “Your Cow Has Tipped Over”: Issues With Translating Your Books | Book Marketing Tools Blog http://ow.ly/HaAuB
  2. Fiction University: Thoughts On Writing a Scene http://ow.ly/HaBac
  3. How To Successfully Start Your Own Writers Group - Writer's Relief, Inc. http://ow.ly/HaBxs
  4. 5 Reasons Why Facebook Drives Consumer Buying - Infographic http://ow.ly/HaCbR
  5. Marketing Strategy - 2015 Will Be the Year of Video Marketing : MarketingProfs Article http://ow.ly/HaCrl
  6. Email Lists: Make them a Priority in 2015 with These Tips : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/HaD0X
  7. When Comparison is Good and Necessary - Rachelle Gardner http://ow.ly/HaDj7
  8. 150 Killer Blog Post Ideas for 2015 #contentmarketing http://ow.ly/HaF3Y’
  9. Pinterest: 13 Things Writers Should Know - Rachelle Gardner http://ow.ly/HaFNE
  10. Face Fear the Wright Way and Write Your Best Work | Positive Writer http://ow.ly/HaGuo
  11. Mythcreants » Three Writing Exercises for Better Characters http://ow.ly/HaGOi
  12. How to Make the Most of Facebook Mobile Ads | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/HaH1k
  13. Top 7 Ways Authors Are Using Instagram — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/HaHyD
  14. Karen Woodward: How I Write A Critique http://ow.ly/HaHPC
  15. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Why You Don't Need a Literary Agent (but You Might Want One) http://ow.ly/HaIdo
  16. Branding 101: What’s Your Story? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author http://ow.ly/HaIqu
  17. How To Use SMART Goals To Get Your Book Done http://ow.ly/HaIQ4
  18. How to Write Better Stories and Finally Win Out | Write to Done http://ow.ly/HaJeH
  19. 10 Twitter Tips For Creating Better Social Media Content http://ow.ly/HaJZS
  20. The eBook Author's Corner: Developing an Author Website – A Marketing and Communication Checklist Study http://ow.ly/HaRiO
  21. Reading for Writers 101: Character Motivation - Writeonsisters.com http://ow.ly/HaRwZ
  22. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Facebook Book Club & Other Resources http://ow.ly/HaRR4
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

P.S. Liliana Hart, NYT Best Selling author of the J.J. Graves books, posted this on Facebook this morning. Love it!

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