Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: H.M. Clarke

I absolutely, positively, hate writing the last page and paragraph of a manuscript.

For me, ending a story is the hardest thing for me to do.

For others, just sitting down to put pen to paper and actually write is the hardest thing. Either from telling themselves that they just don’t have the time or from a fear of what others will think and say about their efforts.

Now I will admit that I did suffer from the second reason. But through age and sheer Australian ‘pig headedness’, I am now no longer scared about bad opinions of my work. If it is constructive criticism, I can use it to improve my writing. And if it is just meanness for meanness sake? I just put it aside and let the bad karma fairy sort them out later.

The main thing is, if you want to write, then write. It doesn’t matter if it is a recipe, biography, journaling your repressed feelings about the kid who picked on you at school, or writing the epic story that has been sitting inside your head for years. The thing that matters most is that you are WRITING. Every time you put anything down on paper (or on a keyboard or your phone), is taking you that one step closer to completing whatever writing goal you had set out to do.

Also, making a point to write something every day will help to form the ‘habit’ of writing.

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. 27 Best Copywriting Formulas: How to Tell a Captivating Story Online http://ow.ly/HU7aX
  2. A Publishing Blog for Writers and Book People » Blog Archive » Wouldn’t you love an agent like this one? http://ow.ly/HUdlf
  3. Anne R. Allen's Blog: How to Sizzle up your Fiction with Compelling Characters Readers Can't Forget http://ow.ly/HUDv1
  4. #42: Three Strategies to Rapid List Building - Amy Porterfield http://ow.ly/HWhWj
  5. Ksenia Anske Books/Blog/How to expand your vocabulary: STEAL IT http://ow.ly/HWkiu
  6. Writer Unboxed » Types, Archetypes, and the Occasional Human Being http://ow.ly/HWksa
  7. Misadventures in Wordcraft | Indies Unlimited http://ow.ly/HWluM3
  8. Useful Tools to Help you Write Better - Author Zoo http://ow.ly/HWlFp
  9. How to Recession-Proof Your Writing Business - The International Freelancer http://ow.ly/HWmTY
  10. Working With a Cover Designer: Time-Saving Techniques - Elizabeth Spann Craig http://ow.ly/HWnQB
  11. Fiction University: Real Life Diagnostics: Easing Readers Into Your Story http://ow.ly/HWouL
  12. Grammar Girl : "Compliment" Versus "Complement" :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™ http://ow.ly/HWoHz
  13. Free Fall Friday – Why Does Your Story Happen? | Writing and Illustrating http://ow.ly/HWphV
  14. Stories From The Trenches: Real Writers Sound Off About Making Submissions - Writer's Relief, Inc. http://ow.ly/HWpuI
  15. Want An Irresistable Character? Try An Antihero. http://ow.ly/HWq6g
  16. How Do You Handle Negativity from Others? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author http://ow.ly/HWqzp
  17. Writing in Someone Else’s World with Robin Covington | Romance University http://ow.ly/HWqXS
  18. 10 Steps to Express Yourself Better in Writing http://ow.ly/HWrAY
  19. How to Write Better Stories and Finally Win Out | Write to Done http://ow.ly/HWrOv
  20. Talents and Skills Thesaurus Entry: Lipreading - WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™ http://ow.ly/HWssK ~
  21. The Hardest Part Of Writing Is… Writing. | Book Marketing Tools Blog http://ow.ly/HWsCi
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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