Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Bryan Hutchinson

I bet you’ve heard (real or imagined) that self-promotion is creepy, despicable and well, just plain wrong. Don’t do it. How dare you even consider it?! Don’t!

And two stamps of the left foot for extra measure.

My answer to such assertions against self-promotion is, quite simply, capital B – friggn’ – S! And I’ll tell you why…

Reality Check

One of the most emotional realities I’ve had to come to terms with is that if I want people to discover and read my work, then it’s up to me to find ways to make sure they hear about it.

I found out the hard way that if you’re not going to self-promote your work, then you might as well not even write it for public consumption.

I mean, if you write a book you intend for others to read it. Right?

I’d say that’s usually the way it works, unless of course we are trying to save our own feelings from being hurt, and in that case we’re likely to say something like we’re just writing for ourselves doggonit.

How’s anyone going to manage to read your book if you keep it under wraps because you’re too embarrassed or ashamed to self-promote it?

Self-promotion is necessary.

. . .

Read the full article HERE

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Seriously Write: My Journey to Publication by Cecelia Dowdy
  2. Guest Post: Doctors Who Write: Who Owns The Stories? | Randy Susan Meyers
  3. Author, Jody Hedlund: 15 Ways to Find Writing Inspiration in 2015
  4. Fiction University: Do You Have Too Much Dialog?
  5. Fiction University: Your Words Are Dead to Me: Infodumps Through Dialog
  6. 6 Tips for Beating Post Partum Book Depression and the Depressing News Around Us (Plus a LAILAH Giveaway)
  7. The Secret to Writing a Protagonist Who's Both Unique and Universal - Helping Writers Become Authors
  8. Got a New Wife, Got a New Life* | Confessions of a Mystery Novelist...
  9. A Delicate Balance: Can Blurb Become All Things To All Authors? | Thought Catalog
  10. Readers Prefer Books Written by Authors of Their Own Gender | The Passive Voice |
  11. How to Build a Social Community: 4 Tips | Social Media Examiner
  12. BookEnds Literary Agency: Mastering the Synopsis
  13. Observations from Years of Curating Content for Writers - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  14. 20 Ways to Become a More Productive Writer by Nina Amir — The Book Designer
  15. How To Become A Prolific Writer While Holding Down A Day Job | Positive Writer
  16. 9 Ways to Promote Your Writing Without Being a Jerk | Positive Writer
  17. Mythcreants » Lucy Shows Us How NOT to Tell a Story
  18. Going Free - Which Way to Go? - bacon and books
  19. Partnering With Authors – Marketing Your Books as a Group | Book Marketing Tools Blog
  20. 5 Creativity Myths You Probably Believe - 99U
  21. The Art of Social Media for Writers
  22. 4 Approaches for the First Chapter of Your |
  23. Writability: Why Publishing Pros Must Love Your Work
  24. The Importance of Creating a Power Morning Routine
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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