Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Diana Hurwitz

The first chapter is both a blessing and a curse.

It is easy to come up with an idea, sit down, and begin to tell yourself the story. Many authors have file folders full of first chapters of books that will never be written. I have a few of my own.

A good first chapter does not happen quickly or easily. It has a terrible burden to carry. It must:

1) Introduce the story world.

Orient the reader right away by defining the setting. Are we in the past, present, or future? Are we on earth, in space, or visiting a fantasyland?

2) Define the genre.

Is it a fantasy, a romance, or a historical mystery?

3) Set the tone.

Will this be a lighthearted tale, a tearjerker, or a creepfest thriller?

4) Introduce the main character and make him relatable.

I would say likable, but that has not always been the case. Your character does not have to be a white-hat hero, but he or she should be someone the reader can root for. Loathsome characters are hard to care about.

. . .

Read the full article HERE! 

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Last Taboo: What One Writer Earns | Wonk-o-Mance
  2. Common ING Mistakes | Terry Odell
  3. Novel Publicity – Lessons Learned: My 10 Biggest Mistakes as a Self-Published Author
  4. Brandon Sanderson Explains Why Superhero Books Are So Hard To Get Right
  5. Blood-Red Pencil: Tackling Multiple Genres and Multiple Pen Names
  6. Blood-Red Pencil: Ten Tasks of the First Chapter
  7. Ideas for Writing Creative Nonfiction | Writing Forward
  8. The Literary Traditions of Self-Publishing | Literary Ladies Guide to the Writing Life
  9. Thoughts on Using Dialect « Flash Fiction Chronicles
  10. Top Four Best Practices for Writing Great Book Blurbs | Digital Book World
  11. 'Print books are more like decorations': A #FutureChat recap | The Bookseller
  12. Short on writing time? Try the 250, 500 or 1000 Words A Day Challenge - Inkygirl: via @inkyelbows
  13. Writing Through Difficult Times : Women Writers, Women's Books
  14. 10 Can't Miss, Surefire Secrets Of Torturing Fictional People
  15. Novel Publicity – Lessons Learned: My 10 Biggest Mistakes as a Self-Published Author
  16. Why quitting is perfectly okay. | It Starts With
  17. Enough Already! Is It Really Time to Start Revising or Are You Just Bored with Your Book?
  18. 7 Roles of the Healer Character Archetype | Better Novel Project
  19. 26 Tips for Improving Your Social Media Marketing | Social Media Examiner
  20. Readability Is a Myth - The Atlantic
  21. 6 Simple Ways to Write a Physical Description | Better Novel Project
  22. Author, Jody Hedlund: How to Handle Bad Book Reviews
  23. How E-Books Have Changed the Print Marketplace: Digital Book World, Day 3 | Jane Friedman
  24. Working With a Cover Designer: Time-Saving Techniques - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  25. 2014 Winners of the Monthly E-Book Cover Design Awards — The Book Designer
  26. #40: How to Attract Leads on Instagram - Amy Porterfield
  27. When Your Books Outlive You – Estate Planning Experts Offer Advice for Writers | Indies Unlimited
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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