Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: James Scott Bell

Without readers a writer has no career.

There are other reasons people write, of course. For therapy. For fun. For their family. Out of boredom. In prison.

But most writers write to share their stories with the hope of some financial return.

When asked what kind of writing made the most money, Elmore Leonard replied, “Ransom notes.”

Outside of that particular genre, professional writers swim in the free enterprise system, which usually involves two parties: seller and buyer.

The writer is the seller, the reader is the buyer. The product is a book. Or a story.

And in order for this exchange to work, the buyer must like the product.

In order for this exchange to become a lucrative career, the buyer must love the product.

Which brings me to the 5 Laws of the Fiction Reader:

1. The reader wants to be transported into a dream

. . .

Read the full article HERE

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Love Your Reader, Love Your Art, Love Yourself A Guest Post By A. E. Snow |
  2. Phone fiction spells the end of the professional novelist | Books | The Guardian
  3. Glass ceiling hinders women in the trade | The Bookseller
  4. Killer Intrigue: The Art of Finishing a Chapter | Write It Sideways
  5. Authorpreneurship | The Economist "To succeed these days, authors must be more businesslike than ever"
  6. Fantastic TED talk on the mysteries of storytelling.
  7. A Quick Lesson About Publishers, Imprints, CreateSpace, and Bowker — The Book Designer
  8. Why Indie Author Ethics are a Two-Way Street | Advice for Authors Who Self-Publish
  9. The Comprehensive Guide to Dating a Book Nerd | Blog | Epic Reads
  10. The Writer's Life: Coming Up with the Idea for Your Novel - Killer Nashville Magazine
  11. Love Your Reader, Love Your Art, Love Yourself A Guest Post By A. E. Snow |
  12. 8 Query Tips No One Tells Writers | Carly Watters, Literary Agent
  13. Podcast - Social Media Just for Writers
  14. Rethinking Social Media Success | ClickZ
  15. How to Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts
  16. Craft the Perfect Posts for the "Big 3" Social Networks
  17. A Blogged Book Has to Be Greater than the Sum of Its Posts
  18. 8 Writing Techniques to Win You a Pulitzer | Jane Friedman
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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