Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Gary McLaren

It’s that season when people love to post resolutions and predictions for the year ahead. Along with others in the publishing industry I have been reviewing “where we’re at” and “where we’re heading” as an industry in 2015.

When considering where we’re at it’s helpful to remember just how far self-publishing has come in the past decade. It’s just over 7 years since Amazon launched the first Kindle eReader (in November 2007). It’s also more than 11 years since I launched my web site, Publish Your Own Ebooks.  What a journey it’s been and what amazing changes we’ve witnessed and been part of!

Self-publishing has experienced a metamorphosis, transforming from an ugly caterpillar that people shy away from, into a beautiful creature that really flies!

Over the past few weeks I’ve read many blog posts from experts summarizing their own thoughts on the state of our industry. A couple of good posts are ‘12 Publishing And Marketing Predictions‘ from Penny Sansevieri at The Future of Ink and Bob Mayer’s ‘16 Thoughts for Authors/Publishing for 2015‘. One of my favorite posts is Joanna Penn’s ‘Back to Basics‘, a post which is closely aligned with my own thinking.

During the years 2010 to 2013, as more people migrated to digital books, we saw very strong growth in digital publishing. With that growth came tremendous opportunities for indie authors, particularly through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) but also through Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and Kobo Writing Life. It was a boom time. Some have referred to it as a gold rush.

This strong growth could not continue forever though and 2014 was a very different a year. Many indie authors discovered that they were hitting a wall. High ranks became harder to achieve. Book giveaways no longer yielded results like they had before. Many authors reported their incomes were falling instead of rising. Some indie authors turned their backs on their new writing careers and walked off in dismay.

I think you can safely say that in 2014, for some people, indie publishing ‘lost its mojo’. The magic is gone. The gold rush is now over.

Where do we go from here?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!  

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:

Writing & Marketing
  1. Have You Added a Call to Action to Your Facebook Author Page? - Where Writers Win
  2. Writability: Confessions of a Binge Writer
  3. Building A Book Review Blog - How To Get Started
  4. What is Important for Indie Authors in 2015?
  5. 3 Reasons to Bundle the Early Books in Your Series | Lindsay Buroker
  6. Readers Do Not Owe Writers Anything | LitReactor
  7. How your book metadata is like selling houses with a rollercoaster
  8. 21 Proofreading and Editing Tips for Writers | Writing Forward
  9. Is there an ideal age to write a masterpiece? - infographic | Books | The Guardian
  10. 11 Tips for Writing an Effective Email Newsletter
  11. David B. Coe: Characters and Character Relationships
  12. Yanking Readers Out of a Story - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  13. Fiction University: Finding the Right Critique Partners
  14. The 5 Key Pillars You Need for Epic Content Marketing Success
  15. The 6 Worst Things To Say To Your Literary Agent - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  16. 4 Steps to Successful Product Creation Every Blogger Should Know (But Most Don’t!) : @ProBlogger
  17. Is it Time to Quit Your Day Job? - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management

Today I'm adding a few book Tweets
  1. "Action-packed #western & a poignant #romantic tale." PRODIGAL GUN: #mgfpf @DisorderlyWords
  2. RT @m16agenda "Unfailing #love makes Miracle Child one of my top 5 #inspirational reads." 4.8 Stars #kindleunlimited
  3. Looking for new authors? Check out the Independent Author Network @WilliamPotter68 #IAN1 #amreading @AuthorNetwork
  4. THE VIGILANTE SERIES by @ceebee308 ~ When the justice system doesn't cut it ~ US UK
  5. RT @BalletMuzik: ♪♪ Beautiful #gift for #ValentinesDay ♪♪ ♥ "Love's Reflections" ♥
  6. Snowed in with a pair of strays. A boy & his dog bring hope. CHRISTMAS STRAY #kindleunlimited @AyalaRachelle
  7. RT @TheresaSnyder19: You've been waiting! The Farloft Chronicles Vol. 5 THREE & A HALF DRAGONS Now on Kindle #IARTG
  8. Heartfelt, poignant #timetravel #romance two-book set: MacKlenna Family Legacy #IAN1 #Mustread
  9. More excitement than a Bruce Willis movie! 5* #REVIEW 'The Pyramid Legacy' #ArtKNB @CliveEaton #ASMSG
  10. RT @JennyBurnley1: Dare to be different, read ZENZORIS RETURNS  UK US #BookBoost #bookplugs
  11. Man’s greatest fantasy or worst nightmare? AMERICAN GODDESSES by Gary Henry @LiteraryGary #IndieBooksBeSeen #IARTG
  12. Honor, family & love in a time of war! Time Travel #Romance THE SAPPHIRE BROOCH 
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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