Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Melissa Donovan

If there’s one piece of writing advice that took me years to truly understand, it’s write what you know.

When I first heard this instruction, I thought it was odd. I don’t remember where I first heard it, but I do remember thinking that as far as writing tips went, it was absurd.

What about writing from your imagination or your feelings? How do genres like science fiction and fantasy fit into the idea that you should only write what you know?

It all seemed rather limiting. Was I supposed to write about American suburbia? That’s what I knew, and it was the last thing I wanted to write about.

One of the reasons memoir doesn’t appeal to me as a writer is because I don’t want to write what I know. I don’t want to relive my life. I want to use writing to live outside of my life, to explore what I don’t know.

I decided to disregard the advice and write whatever I wanted.

What Does It Mean to Write What You Know?

. . .

Read the full article HERE

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. What do book publicists expect to see in a book cover?
  2. Tutorial: Using Two-Color Overlays | Image Overlays | PicMonkey Blog
  3. MFRW - Marketing for Romance Writers: Creating a Newsletter--The Body by Rochelle Weber, Publisher #MFRW Newsletter
  4. What’s Influenced Your Writing? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  5. Working With A Literary Agent: Who’s At The Wheel? | Thought Catalog
  6. 30 Tips For Writing a Book in 30 Days |
  7. Writing Tips: Write What You Know | Writing Forward
  8. What do names tell us about characters? - Venture Galleries
  9. Fiction University: Picture Book Plotting 101
  10. How to Set Up a FREE WordPress Blog | Molly Greene: Writer
  11. How to Be a Writer: Interview with Ann Handley "Everybody is a writer. Writing is a basic life skill..."
  12. 7 Barriers to Writing You Can Leap Over Today
  13. Turn Yourself Into an Authorpreneur by Nina Amir — The Book Designer
  14. Has Amazon Pulled Your Reviews? Here's What You Can Do - Marketing Tips For Authors
  15. How To Start A Blog When You Have Absolutely No Audience
  16. Writability: Character Development Lessons from Game of Thrones
  17. Building Atmosphere! The "Queen of Comedy" Dishes the Dirt on Creating Mood for your Masterpiece
  18. Talking Self-Publishing, Doing Rewrites | Catherine, Caffeinated
  19. 6 Ways to Use Short Video for Social Marketing | Social Media Examiner
  20. The Top 20 Literary Quotes About Short Stories - Writers Write
  21. Timothy Hallinan - Writer's Resources  “A writer is someone who finishes.” --  Thomas Farber
  22. Ep 027: “Don’t Feel Bad About Marketing” | Book Marketing Tools Blog
  23. My Editing Compulsion | Indies Unlimited
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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