Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Justine Schofield

Building your readership is the key to success in the current book market. Readers don’t just flock to books without the author putting in the time and effort to connect and engage with them.

As an author, you have to establish yourself within the writing world and appeal to your audience.

Just like writing, building your audience is an ongoing process that should ideally begin before you publish your first book. If you’ve already published and don’t yet have a loyal readership, don’t worry!

It’s never too late to start and there are a lot of fun ways you can build your readership- all without even sending a tweet.

One – Speak At Local Events

Whether it’s a local writers conference, a reading or a book fair, be on the lookout for opportunities to get your name out there as an author.

Having a presence at events gives you the opportunity to build personal connections with potential readers and is a great way for authors to begin building their platform. Establishing yourself as a writing professional is the first step to platform building.

Two – Get Swagerrific

Do you know what lasts even longer than a first impression? Your swag items!

. . .

Read the full article HERE

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. BBC News - Top 10 tips for being a best-selling author
  2. BookEnds Literary Agency: Co-Authoring Agreements
  3. A to X Writing Advice — "One emigrates from a place; one immigrates to a place."  #Mustread #writetip #writers
  4. writerjenn - Restraint "Writerly restraint is no more or less than affording the reader the courtesy of space..."
  5. Agent vs. Schmagent "If searching for that dream agent, here are common types you should avoid:"
  6. Longtime book editor Daniel Menaker on Amazon, Authors United, and the future of publishing.
  7. How to conquer your fear of publishing and get your work out there
  8. How to Get Book Reviews - Insights from an Indie Reviewer Indie Book Reviewers List | The IndieView
  9. Reedsy — Reaching Readers through Wattpad and Blog Tours --...
  10. Fiction University: Finding the Right Balance With Your Stage Directions
  11. How to Place Turning Points on a Beat Sheet | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  12. The Anatomy Of A Literary Agency Contract : How Six Short Clauses Can Control Your Writing Career
  13. What Should Authors Blog About? | Molly Greene: Writer
  14. How To Get Influencers To Notice You
  15. When Should You Settle For Your Second-Choice Literary Agent?
  16. 6 Ways to Build Your Readership Without Social Media
  17. 7 Ways Writers Live in Paradox - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management
  18. Three Things Most People Don't Know About Book Cover Design
  19. Writing Prompts: What Story Does This Image Tell?
  20. The Book Designer — Practical Advice to Help Self-Publishers Build Better Books
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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