Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: K.M. Weiland

Writers love their beta readers. But let’s be honest. Beta readers also kinda drive us crazy. Some of them are perfection: as polite, professional, and talented as any in-house editor. But others… well, let’s just say their lack of tact and their questionable knowledge of the craft can sometimes leave us howling in frustration. Why isn’t there a manual for beta reader etiquette–for how beta readers should conduct themselves and how writers, in turn, should respond?

A few weeks ago on Facebook, a reader asked if I’d written a post on beta reader etiquette. I hadn’t, so today I’m remedying that oversight. Because trading critiques is the time-honored mode of reimbursement between writers, most of us will end up wearing both the beta-reader hat and the being-beta-read hat more times than we can count. In the interest of keeping peace and patience amongst ourselves and, even more importantly, maximizing our helpfulness to one another, let’s consider ten bits of beta reader etiquette and eight bits of writerly etiquette in response.

The 10 Rules of Beta Reader Etiquette

1. Be Honest

You can’t be useful to fellow writers unless you’re willing to be honest with them: about the good and the bad of their stories. No, you don’t want to hurt any feelings, but just assume that any writer who asks your opinion will be big enough to handle even a negative response.

2. Be Specific

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. 10 Tips for Aspiring Authorpreneurs — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/IkIuA
  2. How to Use Facebook Graph Search to Improve Your Marketing | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/IkIBI
  3. 7 Secrets To Podcasting Success http://ow.ly/IkIPn
  4. What to Do if Your Blog Goes Viral - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management http://ow.ly/IkISZ
  5. Pursuing Your Passion Through Podcasting http://ow.ly/IkIXE
  6. How to Write Faster: The Brainwave Blueprint | Write to Done http://ow.ly/IkJ61
  7. 5 Innovative Ways to Get More Book Sales on Amazon - Marketing Tips For Authors http://ow.ly/IkJqS
  8. Author, Jody Hedlund: How to Handle Bad Book Reviews http://ow.ly/IkJH9
  9. Winning Business Strategies for Entrepreneurial Adventurers http://ow.ly/IkJSl
  10. How to Avoid Misery Over Rejection | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/IkK5W
  11. Five Ways To Sell More Books On Amazon | Self-Publishing Review http://ow.ly/IkKcS
  12. A Viral Recipe for Your Blog - The 4th Ingredient Will Blow Your Mind - Author Media http://ow.ly/IkKAf
  13. Most Common Writing Mistakes, Pt. 38: Irrelevant Book Endings - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/IkKEH
  14. Do Lower Prices Lead to More Sales? - Copyblogger http://ow.ly/IkLke
  15. Reader Privacy vs. Data Collection and Other Thoughts - Elizabeth Spann Craig http://ow.ly/IkLuD
  16. A Quick Guide to Beta Reader Etiquette - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/IkLER
  17. 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing Style | Writing Is Hard Work http://ow.ly/IkLP6
  18. Capturing the Vile Voice of a Villain - Venture Galleries http://ow.ly/IkLZf
  19. Ban Psychics from Your Fiction | Linda S. Clare http://ow.ly/IkM8m
  20. Reedsy — How To Make Blogging Work As An Author -- An... http://ow.ly/IkMcT
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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