Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Bryan Hutchinson

Everyone wants to know how to get more attention for their work, but not everyone is willing to do what it takes. The question you have to ask yourself is a simple one, and yet, it’s profound and can change everything. Are you willing to do what it takes?

If yes, continue. If no, then stop reading now.

I am glad you chose to continue reading.

What follows is some tough love, but if you are serious about getting attention then you’ll want to read this. Not all of what I listed below will apply to you, but if one or two do then you’ll have something tangible to consider and work on – if you choose to.

1 – You Haven’t Admitted You Want Attention

Most people fail to gain attention because they are not willing to admit to themselves that they want it or at one time or another they did admit it, but then gave up too soon.

“I’m a writer. That’s what I do. People should read my work because I write and if they don’t read it, I don’t care.”

Those would be famous last words if anyone read them, but the writers who wrote them never got enough attention for anyone to read them, much less care. Only when you admit you truly want it will you be willing to do the work necessary to gain it.

2 – You’re Not Willing To Do The Work
. . .

Read the full article HERE! 

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Why We Still Need Our Books in Print - Elizabeth Spann Craig http://ow.ly/IK8rp
  2. Fiction University: The Sum of the Parts: Writing a Synopsis http://ow.ly/IK8ND
  3. Writing with Color — Hi, I was trying to write about a character who's... http://ow.ly/IK9Ij
  4. Why the Best Characters for Your Story are Weirdos http://ow.ly/IK9SE
  5. Having a Case of Self Pub Remorse? | Behler Blog http://ow.ly/IKa8o
  6. Five Trade Publishing Predictions for 2015 http://ow.ly/IKaGa
  7. Spunk On A Stick's Tips: Publishing Hindsight with Loni Townsend http://ow.ly/IKaWQ
  8. Why No One Is Paying Attention To You And How to Change It | Positive Writer http://ow.ly/IKf8Z
  9. How to Create Your Google+ Hover Card - Where Writers Win http://ow.ly/IKjiB
  10. How to Combat the Negative Effects of a Sedentary, Overeating Lifestyle  http://ow.ly/IKoMT
  11. The Surprises of Success http://ow.ly/IKp1q "You do know what your dream is. You’re just afraid to admit it."
  12. Persuasive Writing: The Key to a Stellar Writing Career http://ow.ly/IKpnZ
  13. A Quick Lesson About Publishers, Imprints, CreateSpace, and Bowker — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/IKpzO
  14. How to Get Your Book in Front of an International Readership - Marketing Tips For Authors http://ow.ly/IKpTN
  15. Author, Jody Hedlund: Do Writers REALLY Need to Use Social Media Anymore? http://ow.ly/IKq5r
  16. Write the Book That Keeps You Awake at Night Scared | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/IKqft
  17. How To Win Sales And Influence Algorithms | David Gaughran http://ow.ly/IKqpZ
  18. The 5 Secrets of Choosing the Right Setting for Your Story's Climax - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/IKqPa
  19. 8 Ways to Use Facebook Video for More Engagement | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/IKrOm
  20. Writability: What Your First 250 is Telling Your Readers http://ow.ly/IKs8A
  21. What We Talk about When We Talk about Mobile | Digital Book World http://ow.ly/IKsU8
  22. The 12 Worst Mistakes People Make In Email Subject Lines - Writers Write http://ow.ly/IKtjP
  23. Southern Writers - Suite T: The Book I Never Wanted to Write http://ow.ly/IKtLa
  24. How Music Affects the Writing Process - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/IKutw
  25. Why Most Writing Tips Are Useless (and How to Really Up Your Game) http://ow.ly/IKuRp
  26. How to build a fictional world - Kate Messner | TED-Ed http://ow.ly/IKvis
  27. Hollywood L.I.T.: Taking Your Story to the Silver Screen - Publishing Perspectives http://ow.ly/IKvCC
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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