Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Roz Morris

Back story is events that have happened before the narrative starts. Most stories have it—because they rarely start from the beginning of a character’s life. However, writers tend to misuse it or include too much.

There are two fundamental questions with back story. The first is how to present it (e.g., a vivid flashback), and the second is whether those back story events should be used as part of the main plot.

Here are 4 ways that back story might be sabotaging your novel’s effectiveness.

1.   Your novel’s most engaging events are buried in a summary of back story.

I often see manuscripts where the writer has invented a detailed and dramatic back story for a character, but the main story events lack impact and substance. There is no meat left for the book’s real-time plot and so the novel seems empty and static. Of course, the story may be precisely that; the character might be coming to terms with past mistakes. The focus might be the finer detail of living with a burden, or leaving behind a golden period that is gone forever. But just as often, this approach is not deliberate and the writer is scrabbling around, trying to find stuff for the characters to do. They don’t realize they’ve already got fantastic ideas, but hidden them in the back story.

Could that back story be used as a fully fleshed flashback so the reader could participate? Or, more radically, could those same ideas be extracted from the past and reworked as a forward-moving plot? Consider whether your back story ideas should be front story.

2. Your novel relies on back story and secret wounds instead of character development.

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Read the full article HERE!  

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. I Love Typography » Blog Archive Apostrophes don't swing both ways — I Love Typography
  2. Are You Leaving This Crucial Ingredient Out of Your Book’s First Chapter? - Helping Writers Become Authors
  3. Karen Woodward: Three Kinds of Micro Fiction: The Drabble, 55 Fiction and The Twabble
  4. Branding 101: What’s Your Story? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  5. Writer Unboxed » Six Things Every Writer Needs to Succeed (Psst: MFA is not on this list.)
  6. Does A ‘Writing Community’ Really Foster Writing? Or Community? | Thought Catalog
  7. Finding the Hero : Women Writers, Women's Books
  8. Facebook News Feed Changes (and What it Means for Pages) - Amy Porterfield
  9. Kidlit · Positive Versus Negative Description
  10. How To Write Fascinating Amazon Book Listings
  11. Your Inner Author Nagging - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management
  12. Author, Jody Hedlund: Do Writers REALLY Need to Use Social Media Anymore?
  13. How to Tell if Back Story is Sabotaging Your Novel
  14. Winning the Plagiarism Battle | Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
  15. Helping Writers Become Authors - Write your best story. Change your life. Astound the world.
  16. BookMarketingBuzzBlog: When Books Make Asses of Us
  17. Q&A with Author & Editor Victoria Zackheim | by Chris Jane 5 Questions on Writing
  18. The Must-Read Story for Writers with an "Impossible" Dream: Walter Reuben and "The David Whiting Story"
  19. How much do you know about book marketing? - Build Book Buzz
  20. Talking Self-Publishing, Doing Rewrites | Catherine, Caffeinated
  21. Writer Unboxed » Monotasking: The Forgotten Skill You (and I) Need to Re-Claim, ASAP
  22. The Story Grid. How To Tell A Story And Edit Your Fiction With Shawn Coyne | The Creative Penn
  23. When Your Novel Writing Clicks |
  24. What’s the Biggest Lie You Tell Yourself? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  25. How To Write Great Content: 20 Tips From Famous Writers
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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