Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jodie Renner

Overwriting or over-the-top writing, where it’s obvious the writer is trying way too hard to impress, can give an impression of lack of self-confidence and can scream “amateur” to industry professionals and discerning readers. 

The novice writer prone to overwriting might take a basic idea, image, or action and keep adding more fancy descriptive words until the bloated passage has grown way out of proportion to its importance to the story as a whole. 

Overwriting can be irritating, as all those extra words or flashy bling-bling get in the way of the story we are trying to read. Readers start skimming to get back to the character and her intriguing problems.

What exactly is overwriting?

What are some of the signs that signal a forced effort and lack of confidence on the part of the writer?

According to writing guru Richard Nordquist, overwriting is “a wordy writing style characterized by excessive detail, needless repetition, overwrought figures of speech, and/or convoluted sentence structures.”

Overwriting, in its extreme, is also described as flowery writing or purple prose. The Oxford English Dictionary says purple prose is writing that is “too elaborate or ornate.” 

Some signs of overwriting include: 

Too much description, too many extravagant words, too many adjectives and adverbs, extreme reactions and over-the-top emotions, too much detailed introspection, wordiness in general, and repetition of words and concepts. 

Why is overwriting a problem?

. . .

Read the full article HERE

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Step by Step Guide to Generating Hundreds of Blog Post Ideas - Digital Rhinos
  2. How To Use Scrivener to Plan a Book - Natasha Lester Author of If I Should Lose You and What is Left Over, After
  3. How to Write the Beginning of a Novel: 10 Things You Shouldn't Do -
  4. My Top 7 Tips For Authors Who Want to Evolve into Book Publishers — The Book Designer
  5. Scenes: The Skeleton of a Novel | Fiction Notes
  6. 5 Key Elements for Successful Short Stories
  7. Fiction University: Balancing World Building and Pacing
  8. The BEST Kindle Book Marketing Tip
  9. The Only Rule About Backstory That Matters - Helping Writers Become Authors
  10. One Author’s Debut Year: Indie Income versus Expenses | Jessi Gage…A Time to Love
  11. Music For Writers: The Pettersson Legacy Of Fire And Ice | Thought Catalog
  12. How to Make Editing Easier: Simple Tips to Make Your First Draft Better | Silas Payton
  13. The Roller Coaster Of Being A Writer. Do You Ever Feel This Way? | The Creative Penn
  14. How to Break Up with your Novel : Women Writers, Women's Books
  15. Why (some) Authors Fail: Tip #41 of 52 Ways to Market Your Book - Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
  16. 5 Ways to Make Your Blogging Life Easier : @ProBlogger
  17. Pacing: Space out the Tense Moments | Fiction Notes
  18. How to Run an Instagram Contest: Four Easy Steps | Social Media Examiner
  19. Seriously Write: Your Current Adversity: Is It Facing Giants or Something Closer to Home? by Zoe M. McCarthy
  20. Fiction University: Avoid Overwriting – Subtle is More Sophisticated
  21. Should Our Protagonist Be in the First Scene? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  22. Tweets Will Now Be Searchable on Google
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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