Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

The Ruby Brooch audiobook is available at Audible
Here's a short clip read by Teri Schnaubelt.

5-Star Review on Overall, Performance & Story
I absolutely loved this time travel romance. I am not one to give spoilers so you will just have to listen to it for yourself, but trust me, if this is your genre, you won't regret it. I cannot wait for the other books in the trilogy to be set to audio. The other two books are out as ebooks already and this story is great as a standalone. Teri Schnaubelt’s performance was wonderful. She brought each unique character to life with such passion. Even though I am excited to see what happens next, I have decided not to move on to book two until it is set to audio, in hopes that she will be narrating. **fingers crossed** That is how much I enjoyed this experience. So take a listen and escape! :-)


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How Not to Fumble Your Social Media Presence: @jamesscottbell
  2. Putting a finger on imprints: A #FutureChat recap
  3. How Not to Fumble Your Social Media Presence @jamesscottbell 
  4. Simple Promo Tip: Call Your Book By its Name
  5. How Are You Going To Succeed As a Writer? |
  6. Day Six: Clarify the Stakes and Consequences Fiction University
  7. Productivity Tips for the Scattered Writer - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  8. How to Eke Out 2 Hours of Writing Per Day | Author Marketing Institute
  9. 15 Must-Have Website Essentials | Molly Greene: Writer
  10. What You Need to Know to Succeed With Crowdfunding | Social Media Examiner
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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