Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Michael Tabb

WGA writer, Michael Tabb has written for Universal Studios, Disney Feature Animation, comic book icon Stan Lee, and other industry players. Follow Michael on Twitter @MichaelTabb.

Alex is a violent, demented character in A Clockwork Orange, but is he both protagonist and antagonist?

I am flattered when new writers try to pitch me their ideas, and I often hear them say that his or her protagonist is also the antagonist. So let’s address that possibility. Is there a case for man being his own worst enemy in a script? We all know a fatal flaw can do a character in, but does that make him the villain?

There are four ways in which one might consider a protagonist to be his or her own most antagonistic force. They are:
  1. Something or someone from inside the protagonist is what creates the film’s conflict.
  2. When the inner journey dominates the visual story (focusing on a character’s personality flaw).
  3. When nobody else is there to oppose them.
  4. The protagonist is just plain wrong or evil.

Let’s take them one at a time.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. FOULED! Part 2: Getting Your Editor to Edit | Indies Unlimited
  2. A 5-Minute Guide to Evernote | Tech Tools for Writers
  3. Don’t get Scammed on Self-publishing: What are Reasonable Costs? | Silas Payton
  4. SCRIPT NOTES: Can the Protagonist Be the Antagonist?
  5. Stifled by Success by Tim Parks | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books
  6. Why You Probably Won’t be a Top 10 Bestseller at Amazon | David Niall Wilson
  7. Promo and Business Tools for Writers - Elizabeth Spann Craig Clumsy dialogue – your mission statement for a subtle scene | Nail Your Novel
  8. SCRIPT ANGEL: Rewriting - Do You Really Need That Scene - Script Magazine
  9. Writer Unboxed » ‘Take Charge of Your Own Book': Writing a Personal God
  10. Fiction University: Day Twenty: Streamline the Dialog
  11. How I Used My Self-Published Book to Teach My Students by Brian South — The Book Designer
  12. Want to Start a Writing-Related Company? — Guest: Kathryn Goldman | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  13. 6 Reasons Writers Can’t Write…. | Creative Writing with the Crimson League
  14. Quit Being A Commodity: How To Get Visibility And Stand Out
  15. The Benefits of Smaller Writers' Conferences - Books & Such Literary Management : Books & Such Literary Management
  16. Before You Decide What to Do with Your Life, Do This First
  17. How I Used My Self-Published Book to Teach My Students by Brian South — The Book Designer
  18. 7 Tips On Balancing Your Fame And Personal Life - Marketing Tips For Authors
  19. LinkedIn Strategies for Entrepreneurs with Viveka von Rosen
  20. 20 Ways To Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose Content
  21. How the WordPress Philosophy Can Help You Write a Masterpiece
  22. Solving The Discoverability Problem: Virtual Reality And The Future Of Publishing | The Creative Penn
  23. Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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