Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Larry Kahaner

Why do so many people write at Starbucks?

The answer has to do with me going to Nevis. Let me explain.

Brain researchers don’t quite understand it all, but they’re learning more and more about something called “neuroplasticity.” This is the brain’s ability to change neural pathways and synapses due to changes in behavior, environment, thinking, emotions, and, of course, an unfortunate conk on the noggin. These changes in neural pathways and synapses determine, among other things, our creativity.

This means that your brain actually changes its functional structure based on your thoughts, environment, and the other items listed above. What does this have to with writing? Simply put, by changing our neural pathways and synapses, we can be more creative in our fiction as well as non-fiction writing. One way to do this is through a change in scenery.

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Genre Hacks: How To Write Screenplays For Amazon
  2. Clumsy dialogue – your mission statement for a subtle scene | Nail Your Novel
  3. Why So Many People Write at Starbucks | A Writer's Path
  4. Five Ingredients for Great Characters That You’re Not Using (Yet) - ScreenCraft
  5. Five Ingredients for Great Characters That You’re Not Using (Yet) - ScreenCraft
  6. How Mirror Characters Can Illustrate Literary Themes - DIY MFA : DIY MFA
  7. Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 13 Writing Conferences in April 2015
  8. Want to Start a Writing-Related Company? — Guest: Kathryn Goldman | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  9. Writer Unboxed » 9 Easy & Inexpensive Ways to Promote Your Audiobook
  10. How I Used My Self-Published Book to Teach My Students by Brian South — The Book Designer
  11. Kobo Writing Life Podcast – Episode 030 – Dean Wesley Smith – Kobo Writing Life
  12. Google Street View and Movies | How Movies Work
  13. 40 Best Resources for Writing and Marketing Books
  14. [Zetta’s Reference Desk] – How to Write a Mystery by Larry Beinhart | Zetta's Desk
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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