Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Ruth Harris

I'm an Amazon #1 and million-copy NYT bestselling author published by Random House, Simon & Schuster and St. Martin’s. I was also an editor for over 20 years. I worked at Macmillan, Dell and Bantam and for a small but thriving independent paperback house, now defunct—not because of me. :-) I was also the Publisher of Kensington.

I’ve been the rejector and the rejectee which means rejection is a subject I know a bit about.

So let me cut rejection down to size.

Manuscripts get rejected; not writers.

It's business and (most of the time) it's not personal.

The reasons for rejection start with the basics, i.e. the ms. sucks. Author can't format/spell/doesn’t know grammar or punctuation. S/he is clueless about narrative, characterization, plotting, pacing, and can’t write dialogue. S/he has apparently never heard of paragraphing and writes endlessly long, meandering, incoherent sentences that ramble on like poison ivy. You cannot believe the grotesqueries I encountered during my days in the slush pile.

Sometimes, though, the ms. is not that bad and with competent editing, might well be acceptable. Unfortunately, the days of Maxwell Perkins are long gone.

Staff editors, these days, are greatly overworked and overwhelmed. They don't have the time (or, if they are just starting out in the business, even the knowledge or experience) to edit the ms. into publishable shape. These days quality editing is the author’s (or the agent’s) responsibility.

Occasionally, other hazards present themselves...

Rejections come for unexpected reasons: True Story #1

. . . 

Read the full article HERE


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Anne R. Allen's Blog: The 10 REAL Reasons Your Book Was Rejected: A Big 5 Editor Tells All http://ow.ly/JOI8T
  2. All Bloggers and Writers Should be on Flipboard: Here’s Why, and an Idea on Collaborating | Silas Payton http://ow.ly/JOIpu
  3. 5 Ways to Improve Your Writing Style | Writing Is Hard Work http://ow.ly/JOIMt
  4. How to use dialogue for story development: Ibsen's "Ghosts" | Creative Writing Prompts, Tips and Tricks http://ow.ly/JOIQo
  5. Using Astrology as a Character Generator | Meg Wolfe Writes http://ow.ly/JOKv3
  6. The Writing Café, Using Passive Voice in Creative Writing http://ow.ly/JOMHj
  7. You Wrote a Killer Love StoryBut Did You Romance the Reader? by Angela Ackerman | Romance University http://ow.ly/JOUTn
  8. Top Tips for Getting the Most out of Monetizing Brand/Blog Relationships : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/JP7lL
  9. Structuring for Nonfiction Books--How Do You Do It, So Your Reader Can Follow It? http://ow.ly/JPpus
  10. Can This Be Over Already?: Confronting the Truth about Endings – Kobo Writing Life http://ow.ly/JPpMK
  11. The Creative Penn Blog: Helping you write, publish and market your book | The Creative Penn http://ow.ly/JPqam
  12. Writer Unboxed » The Dangers of Storytelling http://ow.ly/JPsKF
Happy writing and running, Kathy


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