Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Martin Crosbie

When we submit our masterpieces to a review site or blog hoping for some feedback (and of course a 5 star review on Amazon and Goodreads), there are rules. Each site has its own submission guidelines. We have to follow these of course, but sometimes, even when we stay within those parameters we’re still unable to attract the attention of those elusive reviewers. Well, they are busy. They’re all trying to wade through the virtual piles of eBooks that are submitted to them. I wanted to know, other than following the rules and presenting a professional product, what entices professional reviewers to check out a book.

I polled a few reviewers and I asked them one question (well, two actually):

Other than being attracted to a book because it falls within your favored genre, are there other factors that sway you in picking one book over another? If so, what are they?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Writing A Book According To Pinterest - Write Divas http://ow.ly/Kooac
  2. How to build the ultimate author website (in 1 hour) | Tim Grahl http://ow.ly/KoogO
  3. One Simple Rule of Writing Horror » Writeonsisters.com http://ow.ly/KootD
  4. Fiction University: Day Sixteen: Clarify the Tone and Mood http://ow.ly/KooAN
  5. Two days of writer’s block unlocked a character’s secret | Nail Your Novel http://ow.ly/KooMm
  6. 5 Mistakes Authors Make When Approaching Book Bloggers | Molly Greene: Writer http://ow.ly/Kop5y
  7. 105 Tips To Make Your Blog Rock - Jeffbullas's Blog http://ow.ly/KophN
  8. An Inside Look at Law and Lawyers: 5 Tips for Authors | Live Write Thrive http://ow.ly/KopNA
  9. Writer Unboxed » Should You Be Blogging? Eight Searching Questions to Help You Decide http://ow.ly/KopU4
  10. It's Never Too Late To Start Writing - When 27 Famous Authors Were Published - Writers Write http://ow.ly/KoqjY
  11. Karen Woodward: Mistakes of a Beginning Writer http://ow.ly/KoqrZ
  12. Everything is Connected | Drew Chial http://ow.ly/KotC6 "Why is it important for writers to keep their story elements connected?"
  13. The Write Type - Multi-Author Musings: Knowing Yourself as a Writer http://ow.ly/KotM1
  14. Writability: How Important is Originality? http://ow.ly/KotUw
  15. 5 New Facebook Features and How Marketers Should Use Them | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/Kou7r
  16. What Do Book Reviewers Really, Really Want? | Indies Unlimited http://ow.ly/KousA
  17. KickButt Author and Book Publishing Ahas: KeyWord Search and Spy Tools http://ow.ly/Kov8l
  18. Marketing Your Series: a Plan for a Solid Launch and Sales for Years to Come | Lindsay Buroker http://ow.ly/Koveg
  19. 8 Things Writers Do When Life is Crazy: The Crazy Writing Life http://ow.ly/Kovxt
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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