Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marking Blog Posts

By: Roz Morris, Author

I was editing a manuscript and came across a confrontation scene. It was well set up so that we understood the stakes, the context and why this encounter would sizzle. We were about to watch a protagonist face a mischief-maker and warn them off.

Except the dialogue was painfully obvious. Realistically, the characters should have been tiptoeing about, laying hints, oblique warnings and making concealed excuses. Instead, they came baldly out and said what was what, in a way that was unrealistic for their situation and personalities. Indeed, one of the characters said things that would have been professional suicide – when they were usually much smarter.

But wait!

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How The Publishing Process Is Like Dating | C H Griffin http://ow.ly/K5PRO
  2. Writability: How Not to Get Overwhelmed with Revisions http://ow.ly/K5QZy
  3. 10 Tips To Get Your Profile Found On LinkedIn - Just Ask Kim http://ow.ly/K5R4q
  4. The How and Why of Inbound Book Marketing | Digital Book World http://ow.ly/K5RgQ
  5. #TwitterFail: 5 Reasons They Won't Tweet About Your Book - DIY Author http://ow.ly/K5RnB
  6. Writing YA? How to Know for Sure | Linda S. Clare http://ow.ly/K5Rvn
  7. 7 Tools for Blocking Distractions « WriterlandWriterland http://ow.ly/K5Rzo
  8. Want a Date with an Agent? Let Writing.ie Set You Up! | Catherine, Caffeinated http://ow.ly/K5REw
  9. For Writers on the Verge of Writing Spectacularly Complex Characters - Helping Writers Become Authors http://ow.ly/K5RIu
  10. Infusing Medical Details into Your Fiction | Live Write Thrive http://ow.ly/K5RNw
  11. How To Publish A Book Bundle On Kindle http://ow.ly/K5SAr
  12. Why Most People Aren't Satisfied with Work & What to Do about It http://ow.ly/K5TqV
  13. How to Always Have a Bagful of Exciting Writing Ideas | Write to Done http://ow.ly/K5Two
  14. How to Promote Your eBook Using Twitter and Hashtags - Marketing Tips For Authors http://ow.ly/K5TAz
  15. 4 Pathways to Publishing: DIY, Assisted, Pro-Team, and Subsidy Options — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/K5TEu
  16. Independent Publishing and DMCA Abuse, or “How a Scammer Got My Book Blocked with Very Little Effort” http://ow.ly/K5TQJ
  17. Barnes & Noble’s Dirty Little Secret: Author Solutions and Nook Press | David Gaughran http://ow.ly/K5TZw
  18. Infographic: The Value of a Book (to an Author) Ink, Bits, & Pixels http://ow.ly/K5U1S
  19. How To Make An Author Video | Molly Greene: Writer http://ow.ly/K5V6H
  20. Instagram: Should You Be On It? | Indies Unlimited http://ow.ly/K5Vds
  21. 3 Insights Into Writing about Social Issues | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/K5VrV
  22. 35+ Alternatives to BookBub | Self-Publishing Review http://ow.ly/K5VDF
  23. Pesky Punctuation Down Under - Author Zoo http://ow.ly/K5X4Y
  24. How I Became An Indie Author | Advice for Authors Who Self-Publish http://ow.ly/K5Xtv Blood-Red Pencil: Hollywood and Screenwriting http://ow.ly/K5XBC
  25. Should Our Protagonist Be in the First Scene? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author http://ow.ly/K5XGu
  26. Clumsy dialogue – your mission statement for a subtle scene | Nail Your Novel http://ow.ly/K5XLU
  27. Forced to Self-Edit? This Tool May Be Your New Best Friend - Where Writers Win http://ow.ly/K6VZ5
  28. Vloggers: Video Book Bloggers Influencing the Next Big Reads? - Where Writers Win http://ow.ly/K6WaA
  29. How to Build a Compelling Novel Concept | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/K70ZE
  30. Champion Is a Transitive Verb http://ow.ly/K719q Daily Writing Tips
  31. Fiction University: Day Nine: Tighten the Character Descriptions http://ow.ly/K76if
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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