Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

We’ve been focusing on the what and the why for a while now, so it’s time to give a little attention to the where.

Now that we have the setting, world, and information about that world cleaned up, it’s time to move on to the general descriptions in the novel and see how they compare.

Today, let’s make sure our descriptions and stage directions are serving the story and not getting in its way.

1. Check the Descriptions

Description problems tend to fall into one of three categories: too much, not enough, or too vague. Go through your scenes and ask (where relevant): 

Is there too much description? 
Not every item in a scene needs to be described, only what’s important to understand the scene, the setting, the characters, the problem, or to set the mood. In you’re unsure, try highlighting or changing the color of all the descriptive text in a scene to more quickly spot heavy areas that might need trimming. Cut any unnecessary details. 

Revision tip: Read your scenes out loud (or run them through a text-to-speech program) and listen for trouble spots. It’s sometimes easier to hear where there are problems since we have to wait for the words to go by. 

Is there too little description? Look for any “white room” issues where there’s little to no description at all. Passages with a lot of short lines or white space on the page are often places that could be light on description. Add description where needed. 

Revision tip: Try zooming out so you see multiple pages at once on your screen. When the text is all gray bars, it’s easier to see where the sparse sections are (and the heavy ones, as this also works for too much description). 

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Writing with Color — Black Woman + White Man Friendship to Romance
  2. How to turn a Complex Story into a Simple Synopsis | Drew Chial
  3. Book Titles That Sell, Productivity For Authors And Marketing For Introverts With Tim Grahl | The Creative Penn
  4. 5 Tips on Editing Another Writer’s Work | Benjamin Lancaster - @thePenleak
  5. Smashwords: World’s Largest Distributor of Self-published Ebooks | Kings River Life Magazine
  6. Ten Issues When Self-Publishing A Children’s eBook | Self-Publishing Review
  7. Two days of writer’s block unlocked a character’s secret | Nail Your Novel
  8. Writing with Color — Words to Describe Hair
  9. Let’s Get Serious About Serials | WordServe Water Cooler
  10. 89+ Book Marketing Ideas That Will Change Your Life
  11. A Double Negative Is Not Always UnOK
  12. Fiction University: Day Fifteen: Clean Up the Description and Stage Direction
  13. Writability: How Important is Originality?
  14. The Top 10 Elements of a Book People Want to Read |
  15. When Selling Books, Don’t Forget to Finish Your Swing
  16. The 5 Reader-Hooking Features Every Author Website Needs - She Writes
  17. Top 7 Social Media Sites for Teaching and Learning | SociableBlog
  18. Amazon Presents The Dash Button: A “Buy now with 1-Click” Shopping Solution | SociableBlog
  19. Easier than ever to have private conversations | Twitter Blogs
  20. Vine Blog – Sharing Vines is now easier
  21. News Feed FYI: Balancing Content from Friends and Pages | Facebook Newsroom
  22. Highlighting the best of Twitter, for you | Twitter Blogs
  23. Facebook Analysis For March - Videos And Photos Rule Engagement Totally!
  24. Drive Traffic To Your Website And Keep It! | Molly Greene: Writer
  25. 15 Essential Time-saving Tools for Busy Writers by Bryan Collins — The Book Designer
  26. Writer Unboxed » The Story Iceberg
Happy writing & running, Kathy 

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