Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Shelley Hitz

Getting reviews for your book is an essential part of the publishing and marketing process. However, there are many misconceptions authors have regarding book reviews.  In this post I address the 5 common myths about getting reviews for your book.

Myth #1:  Customers Don’t Read Reviews

Reviews are important and research has actually shown they do impact buying decisions.  A research study conducted by Dimensional Research showed that 90% of customers reported reading positive reviews online impacted their buying decisions. In the same way, 86% of customers said reading negative reviews online impacted their buying decisions as well.

Tip:  Make sure you don’t ignore this important step of getting honest reviews for your book.  They have more impact than you may realize.

Myth #2:  Anyone Can Post Reviews on Amazon

As an author, it is important to understand each retailer’s terms of service regarding reviews.  For example, Amazon prohibits authors from reviewing a competitor’s book that would be seen as a “directly competing product.”

Tip:  Even though “directly competing” authors are unable to post reviews for you, you can ask them for endorsements. You can then put these endorsements in the beginning of your book as well as in the “Editorial Reviews” section on your sales page.

Myth #3:  You’re Going To Spend an Arm and a Leg on Review Copies

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Top 5 Ways Authors Can Use Instagram - She Writes
  2. The 5 Reader-Hooking Features Every Author Website Needs - She Writes
  3. Seven Keys to Building Relatable Characters Plus a Giveaway of ROOMS by Lauren Oliver
  4. How 7 Literary Authors Collaborated to Launch a Box Set | Jane Friedman
  5. Persnickety Pronouns (Part 1)
  6. Using Examples to Learn Beat Sheets | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  7. Fiction University: Day Seventeen: Strengthen the Foreshadowing and Reveals
  8. Writer Unboxed » What Do Your Readers Know and When Do They Know It?
  9. 7 foolproof design tips to crush your book cover design | Creativindie
  10. Beyond “Mobile Friendly” – Three Strategies to Move Faster Than Google | SociableBlog
  11. How to Spot a Rights Grab by Helen Sedwick — The Book Designer
  12. More Marketing Time: How to Procrastinate Your Way to Success | Social Media Examiner
  13. The Writer Diaries: Song for a Scene - A Case of You
  14. Karen Woodward: The Uncanny In Fiction Have you ever had the feeling, upon waking, that your dream had followed you?
  15. 10 Tweets You Should Never Send | Molly Greene: Writer
  16. Amazon Advertising Services for Indie Authors, Yea or Nay? | Lindsay Buroker
  17. Increase Blog Traffic & Subscribers: 8 Tips! | Molly Greene: Writer
  18. 4 Facebook Poll Tools for Your Social Media Strategy - Jeffbullas's Blog
  19. Sales - The State of B2B Sales Messaging [Infographic] : MarketingProfs Article
  20. How to Blog Effectively When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed : @ProBlogger
  21. 7 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Traffic: Infographic
  22. Check, Recheck, and Then Check Again - Books & Such Literary Management
  23. Self-Promotion Sucks...Because You're Doing It Wrong
  24. How To Get Book Reviews – The 5 Myths - Training Authors for Success
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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