Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Fiction Editor Beth Hill

Each piece of fiction, each section of text, has a particular feel. The feel of a story or scene is primarily achieved through three elements—tone, mood, and style. And while you may hear the words used almost interchangeably, they are different. They are achieved differently and they create different effects.

We’ll take a look at all three.


Tone in fiction is the attitude of the narrator or viewpoint character toward story events and other characters. In a story with first-person POV, tone can also be the narrator’s attitude toward the reader.

In non-fiction, tone is the writer’s attitude toward subject matter and reader. So the writer might come across as a know-it-all or a blowhard or as humble or solicitous.

We’re all familiar with a mother’s words to her mouthy son—Don’t you take that tone with me, young man.

What does the mother mean by tone here? She’s talking about his sassy or smart-alecky attitude. The child’s words and actions and facial expressions convey an attitude his mother doesn’t approve of.

Examples of tone you might find in fiction are strident, uncaring, sassy, bossy, unconcerned, or flip. Remember that these refer to the narrator’s (viewpoint character’s) attitude.

A scene’s or story’s tone, expressed through the narrator’s attitude, could as easily be one of fearlessness or fearfulness, disbelief or detachment, or maybe unconcern or snarkiness or arrogance. Whatever attitude the narrator can take on, the scene or story can take on.

Tone is achieved through word choice (diction), sentence construction and word order (syntax), and by what the viewpoint character focuses on. 

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Where's the Line? On Personal Sharing in Blog Posts and Online - SFWA
  2. The Writers Alley: The Power of Our Character’s Wounds
  3. Punctuation Tip: How to Use "However" - She Writes
  4. Shelfari: Make it Sting: How to Write Betrayal
  5. Julie Musil, Author: Imperfect Action Trumps Perfect Inaction
  6. Writing Fiction: Tips On Plot With Roz Morris | The Creative Penn
  7. 6 Tips For Effective Online Book Promotion | Molly Greene: Writer
  8. Writing - Three Deceptively Simple (but Powerful) Tips for Writing Persuasive Landing Page Copy
  9. Boost your Social Media Savvy with these Secrets
  10. Everything I Needed To Know About Social Media I Learned From Star Trek - Jeffbullas's Blog
  11. How to Market Your Books with Video - Social Media Just for Writers
  12. ProBlogger FAQ: How Long Should Posts Be? : @ProBlogger
  13. It’s not about being everywhere, but being everywhere that matters. #Book #Marketing
  14. Writing Fiction: Tips On Plot With Roz Morris | The Creative Penn
  15. How to Spot a Rights Grab by Helen Sedwick — The Book Designer
  16. The eBook Author's Corner: Author Blogs: What is Your Primary Blog Goal?
  17. How And When To Get Permission To Use Quotes In Your Writing - Writer's Relief, Inc.
  18. The Benefits of Direct Mail
  19. The Secret to Doing Brave Things
  20. Fall in Love with Writing: Watch these Inspiring Videos | Write to Done
  21. How to use e-mail to transfer a book to your Kindle - Build Book Buzz
  22. Writer Unboxed » Shame and Your Writing Career
  23. Tone and Mood | The Editor's Blog
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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