Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Helga Schier, PhD

Aim for High Readability

People enjoy books with a high level of readability—books with a captivating story and memorable characters, books we can’t put down, books that stick with us long after we’ve read the last word.

As an independent editor, I’ve come across my fair share of readable books, and all of them are well crafted on three distinct but intricately connected levels.
  • The surface structure of the words on the page, which includes spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • The level of style and voice, which is defined by the choice of words, the sentence rhythm, the use of literary techniques and images, and the tone or approach
  • The content level, where the fictional world comes to life.

Highly readable books are polished, refined, sophisticated, and mature on all three levels. To fulfill the potential of your book, develop and sharpen the following top ten elements.

1. Your Words Are Your tools; Make Sure They Are in Working Order.

Avoid typos, sort out commonly mistaken words such as die/dye or there/their/they’re. [Like this quote? Click here to Tweet and share it!] Watch your grammar—make sure your nouns agree with your verbs and the personal pronouns fit. If a paragraph begins in the past tense, it likely ought to end in the past tense, too. Figure out where those commas go to help your readers make sense of your sentences. Sounds basic? It is. So run that spell-check and get it right.

2. Check for Inconsistencies.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The Top 10 Elements of a Book People Want to Read |
  2. How to Prioritize Your Creative Calling | ArtistThink
  3. Don't get lost trying to keep the story simple. - Venture Galleries
  4. Fiction University: Day Fifteen: Clean Up the Description and Stage Direction
  5. How to Promote A Book: 3 Steps - Write Hacked
  6. 7 Reasons Writing a Book Makes You a Badass |
  7. How to Create a Character Arc from Plot »
  8. Writability: How Important is Originality?
  9. Business Musings: The Importance of Routines | Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  10. From the Write Angle: Meaningful Connections: The Semicolon
  11. Different Ways to Brand Book Covers for Series - Rocking Book Covers
  12. The Writer Diaries: Dear Diary: Emotion Sucks Here are five tricks to bringing emotion to life in your books
  13. Karen Woodward: Terror vs Horror In Gothic Fiction
  14. Increase Blog Traffic & Subscribers: 8 Tips! | Molly Greene: Writer
  15. 6 Tips For Effective Online Book Promotion | Molly Greene: Writer
  16. 3 Tips for Writing Heavy Emotional Scenes | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  17. How To Record Your Own Audiobooks For ACX | The Creative Penn
  18. Marketing Your Series: a Plan for a Solid Launch and Sales for Years to Come | Lindsay Buroker
  19. The 3+ Hats Every Indie Author Must Wear by Nina Amir — The Book Designer
  20. Are You Capturing Your Share of Audiobooks Sales? - Where Writers Win
  21. How to Find Images for Your Book Marketing Campaigns
  22. Give Your Readers a Ride They’ll Never Forget | Live Write Thrive
  23. Writers, protect your health & your BACK | @Belinda_Pollard
  24. How to Improve Your Amazon Book Description & Metadata | Jane Friedman
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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