Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jackie (Write to Done)

Have you ever lost the motivation to write?

You know what that feels like—projects wait to get started, they stall, or they go unfinished.

Your head is filled with a fog, instead of the lightness of inspired ideas.

I’ve been there.

At times, I feel excited and in the flow — fingers dancing over the keyboard. At others, sitting down to write is heavy and challenging.

But losing your motivation doesn’t mean you have to lose heart.

Losing our motivation is part of the larger creative process. We wouldn’t have the bursts of inspiration and productivity without the difficult creative dips.

When we lose our creative steam, not only does our writing come to a crawl, but we also start feeling low about ourselves.

For example, when you aren’t writing, the feeling that you should be working nags at the back of your mind. This tension creates further stagnation and deepens the creative funk.

This can be particularly hard when you have a deadline, a goal, or a practice you are trying to maintain. In these situations, wouldn’t it be great to keep learning to write, even minus the motivation muscle?

Here are five tips to help you take charge of your writing till you get your motivation back.

These strategies will recharge your creative batteries and help you jump back into the work you were initially excited to do.

1. Honor the Rest Period

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Want to Know More About the Structure of Your Favorite Books and Movies? Announcing the Story Structure Database!
  2. The Research and Science Behind a Perfect Blog Post
  3. 10 top tips from a self-publishing survivor
  4. Google Ads 101: A Guide for Indie Authors
  5. Book Marketing Plan - The Definitive Checklist | Tim Grahl
  6. James Scott Bell on Writing Smarter -
  7. Amazon Advertising Services for Indie Authors, Yea or Nay? | Lindsay Buroker
  8. Powerful Pictures Perform: How to Create Images That Grab Attention | Your Writer Platform
  9. Social Media Dashboards for Authors: Free Apps May Not Be Your Best Option by Frances Caballo — The Book Designer
  10. Writer Unboxed » Inside the Mind of an Author a Week Before Her Book Publishes…
  11. How to Accomplish Twice the Writing in Half the Time
  12. Revision Technique: Why Did You Do That? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  13. Too Little Backstory Can Be a Fatal Flaw | Live Write Thrive
  14. Fiction University: Marketing and the Small Press
  15. 5 Reasons You Should Produce Your Own (Short) Movie - ScreenCraft
  16. Are You Capturing Your Share of Audiobooks Sales? - Where Writers Win
  17. Ruby Slippered Sisterhood » Where Do Stories Come From?
  18. How to Use YouTube Cards to Promote Your Business | Social Media Examiner
  19. Missed Marketing Opportunities: How to Market to Women and Millennials - Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
  20. Southern Writers - Suite T: 5 Tools Everyone in the TWITTER FOLLOWER Industry Should Be Using
  21. The Future of Ink - Digital Publishing for Online Entrepreneurs
  22. When You Hit A Brick Wall - Books & Such Literary Management
  23. The Bad News About Becoming a Professional Writer
  24. Learning to Write When You've Lost Your Mojo: 5 Tips | Write to Done
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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