Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Writers Write

Building a social media platform is vital for any writer, but getting started can be overwhelming and frustrating. You spend hours writing a post only to get three views - one is your mother, the other is from your bestie and the last is someone who made a typo in their Google search. 

Why do we expose ourselves to this ridicule and torture? Because publishers expect you to have an author platform and if you are self-publishing, most of your sales will be generated through your platform. And the more you do it the more you will enjoy it.

What can you do? Sharing is caring, but you should decide what you are comfortable with sharing. You don’t have to share details of your private life, but social media is about interacting with an audience and allowing them a glimpse into your writing life. Some people don’t mind sharing their personal details and they post many personal things, others don’t. It is up to you to decide. There is no right or wrong here. 

These are seven tips for writers starting out on social media:

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. BookDaily.com - Before You Put That Gun In Your Character's Hand... http://ow.ly/Lfq7Q
  2. Social Media Chill Pill - 15 Top Tips For Writers On Social Media - Writers Write http://ow.ly/LfwXF
  3. Blots & Plots:How to Personalize Your Blog in 3 Simple Steps http://ow.ly/Lfxjc
  4. Fiction University: Revision Prep: Create a Revision Plan http://ow.ly/Lfxy8
  5. The Art of Description http://ow.ly/LfxYm Eight Tips to Help You Bring Your Settings to Life
  6. A Big Storytelling DON’T: Messing with Timelines | Fiction Notes http://ow.ly/Lfyb7
  7. How to Write Cliffhanger Chapter Endings | Cheryl Reif Writes http://ow.ly/Lfyt6
  8. Verb Tense: how to say when we mean Part I http://ow.ly/LfyHS
  9. What Should You Charge for an Indie eBook? | Self-Publishing Review http://ow.ly/LfyVl
  10. Book Marketing Must Center (Mostly) on the Author http://ow.ly/Lfz1c
  11. The Pros and Cons of Head Hopping — Jennifer Ellis - Writing http://ow.ly/Lfz7N
  12. Two Video Tutorials on Nailing Your Concept - Storyfix.com http://ow.ly/Lfzf1
  13. 5 Facebook Features That Help Promote Your Business | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/Lfzle
  14. 3 Ways For Self-Publishers to Break Into the Public Library Market — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/Lfzqt
  15. Attracting Readers to Our Newsletters - Elizabeth Spann Craig http://ow.ly/LfzCS
  16. Writer Unboxed » The Dangers of a Good Book http://ow.ly/LfAee
  17. 7 Types Of Book Launch Events You Can Use To Gain Best Seller Status For Your Book - Training Authors for Success http://ow.ly/LfAmo
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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