Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Amanda Patterson

What is viewpoint?

Our viewpoint (point of view) characters are the filters through which we tell the reader the story. Once we have decided on a character, we need to choose a viewpoint for him or her. We have three choices: first person, second person, and third person.

First Person
Second Person
Third Person

It is important to know which viewpoint you are going to choose when you tell your story. Most authors prefer third and first person. It is unusual to use second person, but it can be effective.

How do we know which viewpoint to use?

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:

  1. 4 Crucial Tips for the Aspiring Professional Writer http://ow.ly/LL7XK
  2. 7 Secrets to Your Ultimate Bestseller: M. BRIDGET COOK-BURCH | IndieReCon 2015 http://ow.ly/LL9sQ
  3. Whose Story Is It? Self-Editing for Point of View by Rachel E. Newman — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/LR5Z7
  4. How To Write A Memoir | Scott Berkun http://ow.ly/LR69I
  5. 3 Insights Into Writing about Social Issues | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/LR6hn
  6. Building characters with hard-boiled dialogue. - Venture Galleries http://ow.ly/LR6uS
  7. Blots & Plots:Book Bloggers: Where to Find Them and How to Win Them Over - Blots & Plots http://ow.ly/LR6Sc
  8. 3 Mistakes Nonfiction Writers Make and How to Fix Them http://ow.ly/LR7gV
  9. Insecure Writer's Support Group: Finding Media Outlets and the Pitch http://ow.ly/LRaGm
  10. Six Simple Ways To Handle Viewpoint Changes - Writers Write http://ow.ly/LROpJ
  11. How to Build a Compelling Novel Concept | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/LROCP
  12. 11 Ways to Boost Facebook Engagement for Small Businesses | Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/LROW2
  13. How To Create The Perfect Plus Sized Heroine | Darla G. Denton http://ow.ly/LRPFP
  14. Writing into the Dark: Chapter Six | http://ow.ly/LRPXk Plot Time Jumps
  15. 16 questions to Ask Yourself – First Pass Editing | Writing and Illustrating http://ow.ly/LRQys
  16. The Terror and Wonder of Watching Your Book Get Made Into a Movie | Tor.com http://ow.ly/LRQUc
  17. How to Use Pinterest to Communicate with Your Cover Designer http://t.co/0wzsj4b7Cc  via @elizabethscraig
  18. Don't get lost trying to keep the story simple. - Venture Galleries http://ow.ly/LSwpY
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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