Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Sarah Juckes, @CompletelyNovel

Any writer nearing the end of the writing or editing process may be all-too familiar with the worrying prospect of sending their newly-fledged work out into the big, wide world. With questions like: ‘what if it flops?’ ringing in your ears, it’s easy enough to sink into what I like to call ‘publishing-procrastination’ – where you keep tinkering with your manuscript and changing the odd word, only to then change it back again. Sound familiar? Here are ten things you can do to prove to yourself that your manuscript is 100% finished. Do these, and your book is officially ready to fly.
  1. Check for chronological inconsistencies It’s so easy to get dates mixed up – especially if you’re writing fiction with flashbacks or a memoir. Try plotting your events on a timeline and match the dates up with the dates you have written in the book. There are some great online timeline tools that can help, such as Office Timeline. Although it’s made for presentations, it’s pretty easy to use and will help you get a clear view of how your book works in real-time.
  2. Do a ‘find and replace’ for character names or reference. . .

 Read the full article HERE!


If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How to Accomplish Twice the Writing in Half the Time http://ow.ly/MadzQ
  2. 10 ways to tell if your book is ready for publishing - Elizabeth Spann Craig http://ow.ly/MadFG
  3. Let’s Go Clubbing! – Why Writers Need to Join Clubs | Live Write Thrive http://ow.ly/Mae7Z
  4. Fiction University: Create More Story Depth With Mini Arcs http://ow.ly/Maekq
  5. Writer Unboxed » The Elusive “I” in PI http://ow.ly/MaesA
  6. Be a More Productive & Balanced Writer | Jane Friedman http://ow.ly/MaeyE
  7. What Kind of Advice Works for You? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author http://ow.ly/MaeHb
  8. Karen Woodward: Using Text-To-Voice Apps For Editing http://ow.ly/MaeQA
  9. Characterization Lessons from Pop Culture | Drew Chial http://ow.ly/Maf6K
  10. 7 Different Types of Readers: Which Do You Write For? | Creative Writing with the Crimson League http://ow.ly/Mafv6
  11. Monday Mailbag: ISBNs and Barcodes — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/MafFj
  12. Five Tips for Filmmakers from Ken Burns - ScreenCraft http://ow.ly/MafP3
  13. World-Building Basics: 5 Ideas for Settings That I Actually Use | Alexis Radcliff | Lexirad.com http://ow.ly/Mah9T
  14. Business Musings: The Freelance Scramble Part Three: The Unthinkable | Kristine Kathryn Rusch http://ow.ly/Mahjm
  15. Blog Post Ideas for Writers: Solving the "What Do I Blog About?" Conundrum | Your Writer Platform http://ow.ly/MahBD
  16. How and Where to Talk About Your Book! - Where Writers Win http://ow.ly/MahLO
  17. 7 things about writing I learned from Jonathan Franzen | Creativindie http://ow.ly/Mai0N
  18. Non-Disclosure Agreements – Three Great Reasons You Should Use One http://ow.ly/MaidO
  19. How has e-Reader Lighting Evolved? http://ow.ly/MaiqZ
  20. Anne R. Allen's Blog: New Hope for the Dead: Fiction Rehab And The Magic Of The Makeover http://ow.ly/MaiBG
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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