Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Diana Urban

1. Constantly publish self-promotional tweets

If all of your tweets cycle between links to your Amazon page, your book giveaway, and reviews of your book, you’re probably wasting your time. This spammy behavior will turn away potential fans, since all you’re doing is pushing your own books instead of engaging with others.

Unfortunately, many authors still use Twitter purely to promote their books. But your tweets should give followers insight into your personality and foster a two-way conversation with fellow authors and potential readers.

1. When in doubt, stick to the 80/20 rule:
  • 80 percent of your tweets should drive engagement with interesting, fun, educational, or otherwise helpful content.
  • 20 percent of your tweets can be self-promotional. This includes links to your books, blog posts you’ve written, interviews you’re participating in, or retweets of others mentioning your books.

2. Auto-DM links to your books

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Writing a Novel – The Outline And First Draft | The Mental Attic  @KKutlesa
  2. The 9 Biggest Mistakes Too Many Authors Make on Twitter
  3. Interview with Jane: Understanding the Business of Authorship | Jane Friedman
  4. Seriously Write: Real Life Makes ‘Real’ Stories By Marie Wells Coutu
  5. Full Life? Take a Class
  6. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Ten Reasons for Authors to Blog
  7. What Really Is Your Social Media ROI?
  8. 10 (normal) struggles when writing a novel – BookBaby
  9. Author, Jody Hedlund: 5 Things Writers Do on Facebook That Make Me Automatically Unfollow Them
  10. How to turn a Complex Story into a Simple Synopsis | Drew Chial
  11. Adjusting to Expectations After Publishing Your First Novel - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  12. The Wallpapering Method to Coping with Rejection Letters
  13. Empowering the CORE of Your Story -
  14. Picking Editors: What Kind Do We Need? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  15. Book Titles That Sell, Productivity For Authors And Marketing For Introverts With Tim Grahl | The Creative Penn
  16. How Often Should Indie Authors Publish?
  17. Writing POV Changes | Linda S. Clare
  18. Writability: Vlog: Is Your Manuscript Query-Ready?
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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