Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Am Impellizzeri

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

I always wanted to be in a Book Club.

I couldn’t articulate why because from the outside I couldn’t be sure exactly what occurred there – food, wine, maybe even some discussion about a, you know, book – but it just seemed to me from the way women spoke so reverently about their Book Clubs, that something special was happening there. And I wanted in.

Since no one was inviting me into their Book Clubs, I did something drastic.

I started my own.

About four years ago, new in town, I invited a bunch of women I hadn’t known very long into my home to discuss Kelly Corrigan’s The Middle Place. I put out flowers and food and wine and flavored teas. I lit candles and waited for the magic to happen.

And boy, did it ever.

If you’re in one already, you know what I mean. And if you’re not. Start one. Now.

Because Book Clubs are about one thing: connection.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Spellbind Your Readers With Realistic Magic - WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™WRITERS HELPING WRITERS™
  2. The Power of Pre-Orders • Ryan Casey
  3. Writers On The Move: Tips on Writing Suspense Stories for Children, Part 2
  4. Revolver v. Pistol: Do You Know The Difference?
  5. The Definitive Guide to Pricing Your Book | Wise Ink's Blog for Indie Authors about Self-Publishing
  6. Does it serve the book? Killing your darlings is a mark of writing maturity | Nail Your Novel
  7. Alexandra Sokoloff: Story Elements checklist
  8. Writer Unboxed » Four Surprising Benefits to Letting Your Characters Take the Reins
  9. Kidlit · Generic Description "...that don't add anything to scene.
  10. Essays by Dana Gioia Thirteen Ways of Thinking about the Poetic Line #writetip
  11. Science Fiction Writing Tips: How to Make a Vampire Not Suck |
  12. Ksenia Anske Books/Blog/Why you should put your book on Wattpad ASAP
  13. Are You Talking to Me?* | Confessions of a Mystery Novelist...
  14. What’s The Real Question? — Why We Don’t Read More? Or, Are Books Still Our Best Bet? | Thought Catalog
  15. What Book Clubs Are Teaching Me About Writing : Women Writers, Women's Books
  16. 7 Ways to Create an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign | Social Media Examiner
  17. The Writer Diaries: Tuesday Topic: Querying Goofs and Fudges
  18. The Future of Ink - Digital Publishing for Online Entrepreneurs
  19. Full Plate Living - Books & Such Literary Management
  20. 10 Easy Ways To Write Headlines That Go Viral
  21. How I Used Twitter to Find a Literary Agent, Grow My Business and Fall In Love by Alexis Grant — The Book Designer
  22. When You Have Lots of Unpublished Writing in Boxes | Jane Friedman
  23. Get Published Tips and Book Marketing Advice from Penny Sansevieri
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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