Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Rachelle Gardner

I was talking with a wise colleague about the ways people commonly give away their power — in work, in relationships, and life in general. When we give away our power, we lose out on the things we want and need in life. Writers seeking publication are vulnerable to specific ways of giving away their power if they’re not careful. Here are seven ways I’ve observed:

1. Thinking any single outside entity can make or break your career.

It’s truer now than ever before — writers have a multitude of options for getting their work in front of readers. No single agent or publisher or writing teacher need have a disproportionate influence on your writing career. Don’t give any one entity too much power.

2. Being intimidated by “the industry” or anyone in it.

You may feel like people out there (agents, publishers) have a lot of power and let’s be honest, some of them wield it rather arrogantly. But most of us don’t think of it as power at all. We’re just looking for the right authors and books for our needs. Just because it feels like the industry has the power, it doesn’t mean you have to hand over yours. Realize we’re all in this together and we have the same goals. Refuse to be intimidated.

3. Blindly following “expert” advice.

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. How Authors Can Harness the Power of HARO: Five Useful Tips - Where Writers Win
  2. Book Marketing Plan - The Definitive Checklist | Tim Grahl
  3. Four Ways To Break Your Writing Deadlock - Writers Write
  4. Dekaaz: Can You Express Your Message in Ten Syllables? - Where Writers Win
  5. How to Publish a Book on Kindle | Garrett Robinson
  6. Blood-Red Pencil: Using the Calendar for Inspiration
  7. What Does It Mean When The Fans Take Over?
  8. WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Procrastination: Not Writing When You Need to Write
  9. The Write Conversation : Ten Questions to Ask Before You Decide to Become a Writer
  10. 7 Ways You're Giving Away Your Power - Books & Such Literary Management
  11. Fiction University: Day Twenty-Five: Eliminate Clichés and Trim Overwriting
  12. » Use These Four Tips to Improve Your Writing Fast
  13. 8 Ways to Take Control of Social Media | Tim Grahl
  14. Writer Unboxed » Tips for Novelizing True Events
  15. How to Get 100+ Reviews on Amazon: Different Types of Reviewers – Do They All Matter? Part 1 -
  16. Redesigning Book Covers | Advice for Authors Who Self-Publish
  17. Will a Blog Tour Work for Your Book? | Indies Unlimited
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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