Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Cate Baum

We’re faced with a huge social pressure of being ‘engaged online’ to sell our books as self-publishers, but is our carefully-crafted content being absorbed?

As authors are encouraged to guest blog, interview, and post on all possible outlets online, is this just throwing it all at the wall when the evidence shows people share to look cool, erudite, and popular, rather that sharing what they have read?

In a world where “RIP *insert really ancient and intriguingly cool famous person’s name I never heard of before today here*” is a way to make your Facebook page pop, and picture quotes from Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King or Nelson Mandela are almost impossible to avoid on a regular basis on our social walls as users clamor (ironically) to make themselves look learned, how can we break through and make people read our stuff rather than hitting that “share” button without thinking? Does it matter if they don’t read it?

Correlation Between Sharing and Reading

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. That Overused Word "Community"—But Why We Still Have to Talk About It | Jane Friedman
  2. Introduction to Kboards | Indies Unlimited
  3. How to Reduce Errors in Your Blog Posts - How to Blog a Book
  4. Social Media: How Writers Should Interact - Write Hacked
  5. Sharing Without Reading – How Authors Can Find Readers For Their Online Content | Self-Publishing Review
  6. Copyediting or Proofreading? Getting the Most for Your Editing Dollar by Corina Koch MacLeod and Carla Douglas
  7. Increasing Sales on an Old or Flagging Series | Lindsay Buroker
  8. Laundering Lines: Converting Excess Exposition into Dialogue | Drew Chial
  9. Is There An Unfinished Chapter in Your Life Suitable for Publication? - Where Writers Win
  10. How to select the right linguists for your job
  11. Anne R. Allen's Blog: How NOT To Win A Writing Contest: 7 Deadly Story Sins
  12. 32 Brilliant Things Every Book Lover Needs In Their Home
  13. Social Media for Authors Podcast: Twitter Templates, Tips and Hints - Social Media Just for Writers
  14. Kick Ass Book Launch Tips (from Two Authors Who Really Know)
  15. Author Websites, Blogs, and Book Sales Pages — The Book Designer
  16. Writability: On Writer Insecurities
  17. Improve Your Ability to Concentrate
  18. Help – my characters are all too similar! 5 tips to make them distinct | Nail Your Novel
  19. Anne R. Allen's Blog: Paid Reviews: Why Authors Should NEVER Buy Amazon Reader Reviews
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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