Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Kiffer Brown

I had the pleasure and the good fortune to attend the 2015 PubSense Summit in Charleston, South Carolina. Attending the sessions and presentations was like drinking in information from a publishing fire hose!

Information was emanating from some of the brightest stars in today’s publishing world, stars like Joanna Penn. Joanna is a  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, voted one of The Guardian UK Top 100 Creative Professionals. 

The following are just a few of the highlights of Joanna’s keynote luncheon presentation at the PubSense Summit:

Think Scalable, Think Copyright 

Remember the life of an author’s works is his/her lifetime plus 70 years, thus making an author’s intellectual property a potentially valuable part of his/her estate. This is the length of time granted by the U.S. Copyright law. Create works and then make your back list work for you for years to come.

Think Multiple Income Streams

Reach different customers by exploiting all formats:
  1. Kobo, Smashwords, Apple, Amazon, Nook, Google Play, OutBound Words….
  2. Audio> ACX
  3. Printed Books
  4. Plus subsidiary rights: (1) Country markets; (20) Territories
  5. Always be on the lookout for new avenues of distribution and publishing
  6. Reach customers by language: Start in English, then expand to German, then Spanish, and so on. 

Remember that all these little streams of income flow into a river of revenue.

Think Globally

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Show! Don't tell. - 10 Verbs That Make You Tell - Writers Write
  2. ‘The Overselling Of Self-Publishing': New Perspective | Thought Catalog
  3. Cheat Sheets for Writing Body Language - Writers Write
  4. Prewriting Writing Rituals That Prep You for Writing Success
  5. What to Do After the First Draft | A Writer's Path
  6. This Is Your Brain on Podcasts: Why Audio Storytelling Is So Addictive - The Atlantic
  7. Writer Unboxed » Agonizing Over Antagonists
  8. Writer Unboxed » How to Secure a Traditional Book Deal By Self-Publishing
  9. How to Increase Book Sales: "Think" Tips from Bestselling Author Joanna Penn - Where Writers Win
  10. Are you sabotaging your muse? | Jordan McCollum
  11. Plot from the End - Martha Alderson Learn how to write from the beginning as you plot your story from the end.
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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