Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: C.K. MacLeon

Many beta readers and editors like to proofread on a Kindle or in a Kindle app. This process involves highlighting passages and taking notes on your Kindle. When you’ve finished your proofread, you’ll need a way to get those notes to the author. But how?

Below are three options for retrieving your notes and highlights so you can share them with the author.

An Important Distinction

Amazon handles notes and highlights for purchased books differently than those for unpublished books, or personal documents. Notes and highlights for purchased books are stored in your Amazon account. Notes and highlights for unpublished books and documents are stored in the My Clippings file on your Kindle device. Below are the steps you need to follow to retrieve your notes and highlights for each kind of book.

For Purchased Books

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. 5 Easy Ways to Write a Book http://ow.ly/MtDZH
  2. Four ways to remove padding words - Writers Write http://ow.ly/MtE8B
  3. Advice for Struggling Writers | Jenny Martin http://ow.ly/MtEds
  4. Writer Unboxed » We Are What We Write? http://ow.ly/MtEh8
  5. 3 Options for Sharing Kindle Notes and Highlights | Tech Tools for Writers http://ow.ly/MtEvZ
  6. Subtext Speaks: How To Write Effective Movie Script Dialogue http://ow.ly/MtF9x
  7. Jim C. Hines - Aftermath of a Kindle Daily Deal http://ow.ly/MtFiK
  8. Have You Found Your Voice Yet? http://ow.ly/MtFnM
  9. Giving a Protagonist a Hidden Motivation | Writing Is Hard Work http://ow.ly/MtFqN
  10. The Epic Guide to Setting Your Story (with a free breakdown questionnaire) | She's Novel http://ow.ly/MtFtu
  11. Four Tips Every Serious Writer Needs to Know - Venture Galleries http://ow.ly/MtFDj
  12. 22 Influencer Marketing Ideas from Influential Marketers http://ow.ly/MtFKY
  13. Market Research - How Survey Research Can Aid in PR and Marketing Planning : MarketingProfs Article http://ow.ly/MtFNR
  14. Don't Write Your Nonfiction Book...Yet! http://ow.ly/MtFUh
  15. How to Get Top Bloggers to Share Your Content and Boost Your Traffic. : @ProBlogger http://ow.ly/MtFXy
  16. What the Fiction Editor Looks For - Rachelle Gardner http://ow.ly/MtG0v
  17. Incorporating Someone You Know Into Your Novel http://ow.ly/MtG38
  18. Pronoun Mistakes #4: TV Talk http://ow.ly/MtG8W Daily Writing Tips
  19. The Top 10 Resources for Self-Publishing Authors | Mark my Words http://ow.ly/MtGgm
  20. Updating Your Ebook After Publication — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/MtGj4
  21. Dog Tweets–How to Sell More Books with Images http://ow.ly/MtGoq
  22. How To Make A Living With Your Writing. Video Overview | The Creative Penn http://ow.ly/MtGCy
  23. Do You Feel Safe on Facebook? 6 Ways to Improve Your Security Settings - Social Media Just for Writers http://ow.ly/MtGJO
  24. Persistence Prevails When All Else Fails—Being an Outlaster | Kristen Lamb's Blog http://ow.ly/MtGQp
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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