Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Jason Kong

You’ve seen plenty of author interviews on the internet. You should really consider doing one yourself.

Not as the subject answering questions, but as the person asking them.

Identify an author who writes for an audience similar to yours, and request for some of her time. Come up with a list of interesting questions about her storytelling. Record the exchange. Publish the conversation online.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re busy with a ton of things you need to do. Why should you bother playing Barbara Walters or David Letterman?

Glad you asked. Here are ten benefits for interviewing your fellow authors:

1. You get free marketing

In most cases, the interviewee will be as motivated to promote the end product as you are. And any traffic initiated from her end will arrive to your site, if that’s where the final interview is published. Best of all, this is attention garnered from a source of trust — the subject of the interview they’re coming to see.

2. You get to make your audience happy

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. Business Musings: The Freelance Scramble Part Two: The Actual Scramble | Kristine Kathryn Rusch http://ow.ly/NocQK
  2. Fiction University: Guest Blogger Juliette Wade on World Building in Short Stories http://ow.ly/NocWR
  3. Fiction University: What Makes the Best Story? http://ow.ly/NodJK
  4. 3 Ways to Start Your Novel http://ow.ly/NodQY #writetip
  5. Picking Editors: What Kind Do We Need? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author http://ow.ly/Noe1z
  6. 10 Tips on How To Use the Media To Sell Books - The Savvy Book Marketer http://ow.ly/Noeuw
  7. Video Book Trailers: Why You Need One and Five Ways to Quickly Share It With the World! - http://ow.ly/Nof6d
  8. Anne R. Allen's Blog: 10 Tips for Choosing the Right Book Title in the E-Age http://ow.ly/NofeR
  9. What To Do When All Your Characters Sound The Same - Writers Write http://ow.ly/NoggN
  10. Why Successful Authors Give Away Free Books - The Savvy Book Marketer http://ow.ly/NogqB
  11. Why Writers Should Enter Free Writing Contests  | Live Write Thrive http://ow.ly/NogKs
  12. How to Fix Your Story Without Going Back to the Drawing Board | Drew Chial http://ow.ly/NogQo
  13. 3 Ways In Which Gardening Inspires Writing / R.S. Mollison-Read http://ow.ly/Noh0v
  14. 10 Reasons Why You Should Interview Your Fellow Fiction Authors by Jason Kong — The Book Designer http://ow.ly/Nohhr
  15. 7 Ways to Build an Engaged Instagram Following Social Media Examiner http://ow.ly/NoibG
  16. The Zen of Organized Writing: 5 Steps You Can Take Today | Write to Done http://ow.ly/Nol7D
  17. How to Maximize Existing Content and Generate Quick, Helpful Ideas to Cut Your Blogging Time in Half | http://ow.ly/Nollb
  18. 9 Secrets to Selling More Books | Small Business PR http://ow.ly/NolPX
  19. Insecure Writer's Support Group: 10 Reasons Why You can Cope with Rejection http://ow.ly/NomAd
  20. Writability: How to Turn an Idea into a Plot http://ow.ly/NomU4
Happy writing and running, Kathy 

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