Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Heather Jackson

A couple letters ago, I talked about External Conflict – all those forces in the universe that are bumping up against the protagonist. Now we’ll discuss Internal Conflict – the sometimes black hole of doubt within the hero. Like External Conflict, Internal Conflict must get in the way of the hero achieving his goal. Most importantly, Internal Conflict forces the hero to make hard choices.

3 Tips for Writing Internal Conflict
  1. Find your hero’s flaw. Inner conflict often arises from a character flaw. This is common in superhero stories where the hero has a powerful ability he can’t always control. So he’s always conflicted about using this power to achieve his goal, weighing how much it can help versus how much it can hurt. 
  2. Use your hero’s fear. Fears make great internal conflicts, and can be anything from a fear of heights to a fear of failure, as long as this fear makes it difficult for the hero to achieve his goal.
  3. Challenge your hero’s morality. Characters with beliefs that counteract their goals are always interesting to read! War stories and crime dramas often feature heroes that are morally at odds with their situation.

2 Examples

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  1. The villain is the hero of his own story. - Venture Galleries
  2. I is for Internal Conflict »
  3. Seven Secret Weapons That Will Make You a Better Novelist @storyfix
  4. Fiction University: Cover Me, I'm Going Back: Tips on Writing Flashbacks
  5. 11 Things to Know About Dating a Writer | The Write Lifestyle
  6. Badass In Heels – Nerve Strikes | Crime Fiction Writer Sue Coletta
  7. Writer Unboxed » Lean Writer, Fat Word Count? Engineering Your Environment for Default Success
  8. What Is an Alpha Heroine? | Jami Gold, Paranormal Author
  9. Copyediting or Proofreading? Getting the Most for Your Editing Dollar by Corina Koch MacLeod and Carla Douglas
  10. Aha! The Power Of Plant And Payoff - ScreenCraft
  11. Karen Woodward: The Uncanny In Fiction
  12. How to Start a Business Blog: Seven Essentials for Success Social Media Examiner
  13. How Successful Authors Use Twitter To Promote Their Brand
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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