Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: James Scott Bell

Ebook samples are a great way to hook readers and get them interested in your story. But how can you make sure your first chapter entices readers enough to buy your book? One method is to create an “opening disturbance.” James Scott Bell, a bestselling thriller author and author of Write Great Fiction – Plot & Structure agreed to share his tips on using this method to hook readers early.

One of the great online boons to book lovers is the ability to view a sample of a book before purchasing it. On Amazon, users can download the first ten percent of a book for free or read it onsite via the “Look Inside” feature. As an author, this gives you the opportunity to score a sale if you make the reader want to read on.

So what should these opening pages do? You’ve no doubt heard it expressed like this:
  • Hook the reader.
  • Grab the reader.
  • Entice the reader.
  • Get the reader to turn the page.

Nothing wrong with those terms, but the real question is: How do you make this happen?

Step 1: Create a disturbance

Use an opening disturbance in the first paragraph. A disturbance is anything that is different in the character’s “ordinary world.” This can be a portent, change, shift, challenge, trouble, danger, or another character.

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Read the full article HERE

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
Happy running and writing, Kathy

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