Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Lorna Sixmith

If you’ve assumed that Pinterest is best left to designers, artists, and chefs, think again! Indie author and social media trainer Lorna Sixsmith provides six great ways for writers to use this highly visual social medium to raise the profile of their books and to gain inspiration for their writing.

Pinterest is a visual social media platform whereby users can ‘pin’ images to individual moodboards. Each pin (image) can be repinned (shared) by others, and as each pin links to its source, it is a useful tool for writers to increase traffic and sales.

Pinterest users pin for many reasons, but mainly to plan their lives: planning holidays, planning weddings, getting ideas for craft activities with children, finding tutorials for crochet patterns and photo manipulation tools, but also to plan their reading!

People also like to share their favorite reads and recommend them to others too.

Here are some six great suggestions on Pinterest boards that writers might use

1) Book Reviews

Having a board for book reviews means that you can attract readers. Have a board for all the books you review on your blog (thereby driving traffic to your website), all reviews of your book, or all reviews of a genre similar to your own writing. My ‘Book Reviews’ board is primarily to drive traffic to my blog.

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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