Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Booklaunch, @booklaunch_io

So, you’ve finished your book and you’ve self-published it. Congratulations! Luckily for you, the hardest part is done.

But now that it’s complete, how do you get people to read it?

Today, authors have the luxury of choosing to self-publish their own books, giving them complete autonomy over their creative process and product. However, the disadvantage to self-publishing is that self-published authors lack the marketing support (both manpower-wise and financially) that accompany a publishing deal from a large publishing house. But if you’re a self-published author looking to market your book, fear not! Chances are you've heard of tons of ways to get word out about your book – and many of them won’t cost you a dime. That's true. One of the most successful and easily utilized methods is via social media – and, in particular, Twitter. Twitter, the 140-character short-message sharing platform is a remarkable way to get the word out about your book, and it can be easily utilized to get it in the hands of readers. So let's talk about ways to use Twitter to advertise your work:

1. Find other authors.

Twitter, in particular, has a wonderful community of writers, many of which are connected and share information and material all the time. It's important to note that Twitter can feel a little like walking into a party with a lot of people you don't know, and they're already in the middle of conversations with other people. So how do you jump in without being awkward?

First, search for a keyword hashtag that is relevant to writing. Some examples to check out are #amwriting #BookBlaster #Writers #Authors and #WritoNamo. Search hashtags around your genre so you can find authors who share similar interests. Start following those who you find interesting.

Create a List in Twitter of authors you find interesting. As they post new things, jump in and start talking to them. By befriending other writers, you can begin establishing a network to cross-promote books and material, and also give each other advice and support. This will come in handy because you'll want other writers to Tweet about your book (in exchange for a Tweet about theirs). It's a great way to make friends with other people who appreciate the same craft!

2. Tweet quotes.

Obviously, you believe in the content of your book. So use it to bring in readers! Tweet some of the best or most intriguing quotes from your book so that people can get a taste of what’s inside. If you share enough great material, people will want to invest so that they can get even more. Also, get creative about your content. Consider bringing your readers into the process a bit. Maybe share locations you visited for your book, inspirations for objects or character development. Use photos and videos whenever possible—it doesn't have to just be typed out quotes from your book. Remember to not always be so focused on selling your book, people may tune it out if you don't spend a portion of your tweets adding value to their lives.

3. Share other unrelated (but relevant) information.

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets Saturday and Sunday, here they are again:
Happy running and writing, Kathy

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