Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Kathryn Craft

Many of us, when first drafting a story, see it as if a film is unreeling in our minds. The words we apply to the page are our way of translating what we see and hear for the reader. This is a great place to start, and can, in the right authorial hands, result in a wild ride for the reader. Readers love a wild ride! But once the ride comes to a stop, the experience is often all but forgotten. We authors wish the memory of our work could linger so our efforts won’t be forgotten.

Rather than tinker with wording alone on your next several passes, here are some questions you can ask yourself about your story that can deepen its impact.

1. What is this story really about?

The essence of my novel The Far End of Happy is expressed in its logline: “Three women must make impossible choices and reveal shameful secrets while awaiting word about a loved one’s suicide standoff.” But delving into what a story is really about requires looking at the big picture. Is your book about 'seeking truth', 'unconditional love', or (like mine) 'hope'? For my protagonist, Ronnie, hope depends on the ability to dream of a brighter future. Reassess each scene to see how it can support or counter this premise. The cohesion this creates will help your story resonate longer.

2. How does your cast of characters suggest your story’s potential energy?

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  • Hanks of Hair and Gobbets of Flesh Daily Writing Tips
  • Blood-Red Pencil: How Layers Can Deepen Your Story’s Impact
  • Epic Female Protagonists Written by Women
  • How to Plan Your Blogged Book - Elizabeth Spann Craig
  • 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing about the Military | Live Write Thrive
  • Fiction University: Trying to Selling Novels Outside the Mainstream
  • Your #1 Responsibility as a Writer  "Don't Sugarcoat the Truth"
  • Writer Unboxed » Writing about Historical Icons: Who Owns the Past?
  • HOW To Finish Your Damn Book | CATHERINE RYAN HOWARD
  • 14 Ways to Crash Your Book Launch – Authors, DO NOT Try This at Home by Kimberley Grabas — The Book Designer
  • Meerkat and Periscope: How Businesses Are Using Live Mobile Broadcasting Social Media Examiner
  • How to Promote and Still Have Time to Write a Book - Training Authors for Success
  • Beta Readers: Facts, Grammar, Plot, Character and More — Fiction Notes
Happy running and writing, Kathy

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