Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Kimberly Grimms

Who are millennials and why should you care about them?

Millennials were born between 1980 and the early 2000′s. They are heavy media consumers with multi-screen habits and a desire to connect on social media.

In the US alone millennials have $1.3 trillion in annual buying power.

So they are kind of important when you are marketing your brand online – especially your blog.

But you are competing with over 5,000 marketing messages every day. All for what – a couple of likes, or favorites?

Perhaps it’s more than that.

Finding where millennials are is easy. They are online, they are consuming content, and they are reading your blogs.

But if they are exposed to thousands of other messages a day, if they have varied interests and diverse backgrounds; how do you win them over and turn them into loyal customers?

Here’s 11 sure-fire ways to target millennials using one of their most trusted sources, blogs:

1. Segment your posts

. . .

Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
  • It's easy to connect with other writers on social media. The real challenge is connecting with readers.
  • Writing Your Character’s Thoughts: 3rd Person Limited POV | Cheryl Reif Writes
  • Just Comma Crazy! "...commas the most difficult punctuation marks to master..."
  • How to Make the Most out of Your Google+ Account to Increase Blog Traffic | Social Media Today
  • Killing Your Darlings: A Writer's Journey  Until you have to reduce word count, you’ve only scratched the surface.
  • English Historical Fiction Authors: Surviving as a Creative Historical Fiction Author @swiftstory
  • How to Support an Author Beyond Buying Their Book | Pub(lishing) Crawl
  • Fiction University: Be Flexible When Plotting (and Writing) Your Novel
  • The Undercover Soundtrack – VR Christensen | My Memories of a Future Life
  • A wrong cover and a revamp – case study of rebranding an indie novel | Nail Your Novel
  • Are You Overusing “Magic” in Your Writing? | Indies Unlimited
  • Writer: Feed Your Dream! | Molly Greene: Writer
  • Facebook Marketing, BookBub, and Tips from Book Expo America | Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast
  • 11 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Millennials Reading Your Blog
  • Content - How to Overcome the 'No Time to Create Content' Challenge : MarketingProfs Article
Happy running and writing, Kathy

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