Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Chuck Sanbuchino

No author I know signs with an agent wanting that partnership to end. But, sadly, things do break down sometimes. Here are four signs that your agent-author relationship has turned sour.

1. Lack of communication from the agent. This is the big one. Most agents will respond to your e-mails within forty-eight hours, if not much quicker. But if you’re e-mailing your agent and repeatedly getting nada in return, that’s a bad sign. It means your agent no longer considers you important enough to communicate with, or she is simply avoiding you. A serious lack of communication is a large problem and one of the first signs of a sinking ship.

2. Disagreement on big issues in your writing career. You and your agent should be on the same page concerning what you write and your career goals. Sometimes an agent sees an opening for you in another area and wants to guide you in that direction. You may take this change of direction easily, or you may not. If you feel uneasy writing what your agent wants you to write—whether it’s a completely different type of book or the suggestion to change the age of your main character from 33 to 63—then that’s another red flag.

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Read the full article HERE!

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
Happy writing and running, Kathy

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