Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday's Links to Writing & Marketing Blog Posts

By: Marcy Kennedy

Here are 10 writing mistakes that kill your first chapter (in no particular order). Get them before they get you!

#1 – A Boring/Generic First Line
Don’t show me the character doing anything completely normal and forgettable. Waking up, getting out of their car, folding their laundry…

Your first line needs to raise questions in the reader’s mind and make them curious or hint at trouble/conflict. Preferably both.

#2 – Point-of-View Shifts
Head-hopping is always a problem, regardless of where it crops up in your manuscript, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. I mean a point-of-view shift carried out with a proper transition.

Confused? In your first chapter, one of the things you need to do is convince the reader to invest in your main character. They need to spend time with them to do that, and if you switch POV characters within the first chapter, the reader doesn’t have enough time to make that connection.

#3 – No Clear POV Character
This point is the doppelganger of (2). It’s extremely difficult to be interested in a story when you don’t know who matters, what they care about, and why they’re doing what they’re doing. Connect the reader to a character immediately and allow the reader to experience the story through that person.

(If you’re writing in omniscient POV, ignore this point, but make sure you wow the reader with your distinctive voice.)

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To read the rest of the post, click here:

If you missed my writing & marketing tweets and retweets yesterday, here they are again:
Happy writing and running, Kathy


I’m interrupting my report on my adventures in Normandy to tell you about what happened yesterday.

In June, out of the blue, I received an email from a writer with Runner’s World Magazine. He said he did many of the celebrity interviews, and he wanted to do a Q&A with me about how my life as a runner intersects with my writing career. Excerpts will be featured in the “I’m A Runner” section, which is the last page of the magazine and a longer version will also be featured on the Runner’s World website.

What a fantastic opportunity! 

Yesterday, I met with the magazine’s photographer for a photo shoot. It was a blast. I suggested we use the front porch of John’s Walk/Run Shop for before run shots and across the street from Ashland, The Henry Clay Estate for post run shots. My daughter and granddaughter were there to watch and snap pictures.

The article will be in the November issue about the same time as the New York City Marathon and the release of my fourth book, THE EMERALD BROOCH. I'll be sure to let everyone know when the article comes out!

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