Friday, July 24, 2015

Research trip to England and France

I’m back from my research trip to England and France!

At Lexington airport Day 1
I thought when I left two weeks ago on a research trip  that I would be able to keep up the blog, but I didn’t have time. I scheduled every hour of every day with tours. In England, I used Neil Bright with Blitz Walkers and Wilson’s private guided tours of London and Great Britain. They were marvelous.

In Grosvenor Park

Dinner at the Grosvenor House

Hyde Park "I'm so glad to be here!"

Enjoying London after arriving

On Saturday I ran in Hyde Park and then we visited Kensington Palace and the Museum of London to see a garnet brooch discovered in the mid-600s.

Statute of Queen Victoria outside Kensington Palace

Garnet Brooch at the Museum of London
On Sunday, Neil Bright took us on a five and a half hour walking tour of Mayfair and St. James. Many scenes in The Emerald Brooch take place in the area and seeing the bomb damage that still shows on buildings like the Ritz was fascinating.
Shrapnel damage on the column at Purdey's 

With Neil Bright, our guide

 A local pub that's been around since the 1700s.

Charming 300 year old house where Dr. Johnson complied his great 'Dictionary of the Englist Language.'

Look at the steeple. A baker in the 1700s like it so well, he designed the first multi-tiered wedding cake!

Inside of St. Bride's Church. Part of the original Roman floor is in the basement!

 Tomorrow, I'll continue with what we did on Monday! 

1 comment:

  1. Living in the centre of London, all our treasures pass me by. I sometimes wish I could see it through the eyes of a tourist.
